How to format a number with leading zeros in PHP

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Formatting numbers with leading zeros can be essential for readability and data consistency, especially in software dealing with serial numbers, codes, or when a number must meet a required length. PHP provides several ways to achieve this, which we will explore in this tutorial.

Using str_pad()

The str_pad() function pads a string to a new length with a string of characters. For numbers, we can use it to pad with zeros. Here’s a basic example:

$number = 123;
$formattedNumber = str_pad($number, 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
echo $formattedNumber; // Outputs: 00123

This code pads the number to a total length of 5, using zeroes on the left side.

Using sprintf() and printf()

Both sprintf() and printf() functions allow you to format a number with leading zeros using formatted string syntax. Here’s how you can do this:

$number = 123;
$formattedNumber = sprintf('%05d', $number);
echo $formattedNumber; // Outputs: 00123

sprintf() returns the formatted string, while printf() would output it directly.

Using number_format()

The number_format() function formats a number with grouped thousands but can also be used to add leading zeros:

$number = 123;
$formattedNumber = number_format($number, 5, '.', ',');
echo $formattedNumber; // Outputs: 123.00000

Though typically used for a different purpose, with creative parameter manipulation, it can serve to pad numbers with zeros.

Custom Function for Leading Zeros

For more flexibility, you could write your own function to add leading zeros to a number:

function addLeadingZeros($number, $desiredLength) {
    return str_pad($number, $desiredLength, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);

$originalNumber = 123;
$formattedNumber = addLeadingZeros($originalNumber, 5);
echo $formattedNumber; // Outputs: 00123

Padding Hexadecimal, Binary, or Octal Numbers

PHP also allows padding for numbers represented in bases other than decimal:

$hexNumber = dechex(255); // 'ff'
$formattedHexNumber = sprintf('%04s', $hexNumber);
echo $formattedHexNumber; // Outputs: 00ff

Advanced Formatting with NumberFormatter

The NumberFormatter class is a powerful tool in the PHP Internationalization extension which also allows number padding:

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::PADDING_POSITION_BEFORE_PREFIX);
$formatter->setAttribute(NumberFormatter::FORMAT_WIDTH, 5);
$formatter->setTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::PADDING_CHARACTER, '0');
$number = 123;
$formattedNumber = $formatter->format($number);
echo $formattedNumber; // Outputs: 00123


Implications of Leading Zeros in Different Contexts

It is important to consider the context when adding leading zeros. For instance, in CSV files, leading zeros can be lost unless the number is treated as a string. Likewise, certain systems or databases have specific requirements for how numbers should be formatted.

Debugging Common Issues

Always ensure that you are not inadvertently passing a string with leading characters as a number or, conversely, expecting a numerical result when dealing with string formatted numbers.

Best Practices

It’s considered a best practice to handle numeric formatting as a presentational concern, meaning it should be applied at the point of rendering for the user, not as the way of storing the data in your database.


In this guide, we covered the essentials for formatting numbers with leading zeros in PHP. Understanding how to implement these formatting requirements is critical for many applications. Using the strategies provided, you can ensure your numbers always have the desired formatting.