How to format a float number to 2 decimal places in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Controlling the precision of floating-point numbers is a common requirement in PHP development. Getting that precision spot-on can be crucial, particularly in financial applications, reporting, and data presentation. This tutorial delves into the various methods PHP offers to tame your floating-point numbers and keep them trimmed to a neat two decimal places.

Using number_format

Start with the basics: number_format() is a built-in PHP function tailor-made for this purpose. It’s a breeze to use:

$number = 123.456789;
$formattedNumber = number_format($number, 2);
// Outputs: 123.46

But don’t stop there; look at its sibling parameters which give you control over decimal point and thousands separator:

$formattedNumber = number_format($number, 2, '.', ',');
// Outputs: 123.46
// Comma for thousand, dot for decimal

Round it with round

round() offers another simple approach, rounding your numbers to the nearest value:

$roundedNumber = round($number, 2);
// Outputs: 123.46

Yet purely rounding can sometimes lead to less predictable results due to how floating-point numbers work in PHP.

The printf/sprintf Family

For more formatting flair, meet printf() and sprintf(). Both functions provide formatting capabilities, with sprintf() returning the value as a string:

printf('%.2f', $number);
// Outputs: 123.46
$s = sprintf('%.2f', $number);
// $s contains: '123.46'

These functions also allow you to define leading zeros or specify a width for the formatted number.

BCMath for Financial Accuracy

When you require precision, particularly in finances, BCMath functions come to the rescue. They deal with numbers as strings, avoiding floating-point imprecisions:

$numberString = bcadd($number, '0', 2);
// Returns: '123.46' (as a string)

It’s crucial to consider both the pros and cons of using BCMath: high precision with the overhead of string manipulation.

Custom Formatting Function

Sometimes out-of-the-box functions don’t cut it. Crafting a custom function gives you the flexibility to specify exactly how your numbers shape up:

function formatToDecimal($number, $decimalPlaces = 2) {
    return sprintf('%.' . $decimalPlaces . 'f', $number);
// Usage
$formatted = formatToDecimal($number);
// Outputs: 123.46

This way, you encapsulate formatting logic, ensuring consistency throughout your application.

Database-Level Formatting

In certain scenarios, you might even want to control the decimal formatting at the database level, using SQL commands. Although not a PHP method, it’s a valid strategy for some applications.

Additional Considerations

There are nuances with each method—they range from locale settings affecting number_format() to how floating-point precision impacts round(). It’s essential to choose the proper tool for the task at hand.

Further complexity arises when you start working in different locales, where the placement of commas and periods interchange. PHP’s localeconv() can be used to dynamically set number formatting based on the server’s locale settings.


This journey through PHP’s number formatting capabilities illustrates the versatile tools at your disposal. Remember to pick the method that best fits your precision requirements and project circumstances. Whether it’s the conveniences of number_format() or the precision of BCMath, PHP equips you with the means to display numbers with the required finesse.