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How to format large numbers with thousand separators in Jinja template

Last updated: November 28, 2024

When working with Jinja2 templates in a Flask or Django application, you might need to display large numbers in a more readable format by including thousand separators. Fortunately, Jinja2 provides a straightforward way to achieve this using custom filters or built-in formatting tools.

Using Python's Built-in Format Method

You can use Python’s built-in string formatting capabilities to handle number formatting directly within Jinja templates.

{{ "{:,}".format(large_number) }}

In this example, {:,} is used to include commas in numbers. If large_number is 1234567, this will output 1,234,567.

Custom Jinja Filter

If you want to reuse the formatting elsewhere in your templates, you can create a custom filter. This requires modifying your Python application code.

Step 1: Define the Filter in a Python File

def format_number(value):
    """Format a number with commas as thousand separators."""
    return "{:,}".format(value)

Step 2: Register the Filter with Jinja

Next, register the filter with your Jinja environment. For example, in a Flask app:

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)
app.jinja_env.filters['format_number'] = format_number

In a Django app, you would typically add this filter to a separate file within a custom templatetags directory.

Step 3: Use the Filter in a Jinja Template

Once the filter is registered, you can use it in your templates like so:

{{ large_number|format_number }}


Formatting numbers with thousand separators in Jinja2 templates can significantly improve the readability of your numbers in web applications. Whether using Python's formatting options directly in your templates or implementing a custom filter, both approaches are powerful tools to enhance the user interface of your application.

Next Article: How to remove consecutive whitespace in rendered Jinja pages

Previous Article: How to format date time in Jinja templates

Series: Jinja Templates


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