How to generate random values in Terraform

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Generating random values in Terraform can be a critical aspect when provisioning infrastructure, ensuring that names, passwords, or any other sensitive information remain unpredictable and secure. Terraform, developed by HashiCorp, uses a powerful and flexible syntax known as HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), allowing you to define your infrastructure as code (IaC). In this tutorial, we will delve into the various methods of generating random values within your Terraform configurations, ranging from basic examples to more complex scenarios.

Understanding Randomness in Terraform

Before diving into the code examples, it’s crucial to understand how randomness works in Terraform. Terraform uses a provider model to interact with APIs, services, and custom code. The random provider is what we’ll focus on for generating random values. To use it, you must first declare it in your configuration.

terraform {
  required_providers {
    random = {
      source  = "hashicorp/random"
      version = "~> 3.0"

After declaring the provider, you can then use various resources within the random provider to generate values. Let’s start with the basics.

Generating a Random Integer

The simplest way to generate a random value is by creating a random integer. This can be useful for generating unique identifiers, passwords, or selecting a random resource.

resource "random_integer" "example" {
  min = 1
  max = 100

You can then reference this value using ${random_integer.example.result} in your Terraform configurations.

Generating a Random Password

Generating a secure, random password is another common use case. The random_password resource enables you to specify the length and complexity of your password.

resource "random_password" "password" {
  length  = 16
  special = true

Reference it in your configurations as ${random_password.password.result}.

Generating a Random String

Similarly, you can generate random strings for use in names, tags, or other identifiers.

resource "random_string" "name" {
  length  = 10
  upper = true
  lower = true
  number = true
  special = false

Use the generated string with ${}.

Advanced Scenarios

Moving to more advanced uses of randomness, consider a scenario where you need multiple, unique, random values. Terraform’s random provider offers the random_id resource, which generates a unique identifier based on a specified number of bytes.

resource "random_id" "server" {
  byte_length = 8

This unique ID can be valuable for creating unduplicated identifiers for resources across your cloud infrastructure. Output is accessed through ${random_id.server.hex} or ${random_id.server.b64}, depending on the required format.

Conditional Random Values

You might not always want to generate a new random value on each plan or apply. To conditionally generate random values, you can combine the random resources with Terraform’s conditional logic.

resource "random_string" "conditional_name" {
  count  = var.condition ? 1 : 0
  length  = 10
  upper = true
  special = false

This approach ensures that the random value is only generated when a certain condition, defined by var.condition, is true.

Securing Random Values

When generating sensitive information, like passwords or encryption keys, it’s crucial to ensure these values are treated securely. Use the sensitive = true attribute in outputs to prevent Terraform from printing the value to the console.

output "sensitive_password" {
  value     = random_password.password.result
  sensitive = true


Generating random values in Terraform enables dynamic and secure infrastructure configurations. From creating basic integers and strings to managing complex, conditional logic for random generation, understanding how to leverage the random provider expands the flexibility and security of your configurations. Embrace randomness in your Terraform projects to ensure uniqueness and security across your infrastructure.