How to get a random row in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Querying a database to fetch a single row at random can often be useful for features like ‘Did You Know?’, random item displays, or for testing purposes. SQLAlchemy, a popular SQL toolkit, and ORM for Python, makes this operation straightforward with its expressive query API.

Setting Up Your Environment

Before we dive into the various ways to fetch a random row using SQLAlchemy, ensure you have a Python environment set up with SQLAlchemy installed. To install SQLAlchemy, you can use pip:

pip install SQLAlchemy

Also, ensure you have a database up and ready to be connected to your Python application.

Basic Random Query

The simplest way to retrieve a random row from a database in SQLAlchemy is to use the func.random() function for SQLite or the PostgreSQL variant func.random(). Here’s a how-to:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, func
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from yourmodel import YourModel

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///yourdb.sqlite')
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

random_row = session.query(YourModel).order_by(func.random()).first()

This code connects to an SQLite database, initializes a session, and retrieves a single random row from the specified model.

Database-Specific Techniques

Not all databases support the func.random() method. Here’s how you can fetch random records from some of the most widely used databases:


# For SQLite, as already demonstrated:
random_row = session.query(YourModel).order_by(func.random()).first()


# In PostgreSQL, the random function works the same:
random_row = session.query(YourModel).order_by(func.random()).first()


# MySQL uses RAND() function instead:
from sqlalchemy import func
random_row = session.query(YourModel).order_by(func.rand()).first()

Microsoft SQL Server

# SQL Server users can make use of NEWID() function:
from sqlalchemy import func, text
random_row = session.query(YourModel).order_by(text("NEWID()")).first()

Efficiency Considerations

Using order_by with a random function can be costly for large datasets. In such scenarios, you may want to employ alternative strategies to improve performance, like using the primary key.

Utilizing the Primary Key

import random
from sqlalchemy import func

# Here we assume 'id' is the primary key column
max_id = session.query(func.max(
min_id = session.query(func.min(
random_id = random.randint(min_id, max_id + 1)

random_row = session.query(YourModel).get(random_id)

While fast, this approach may not always work perfectly, especially when handling non-sequential IDs due to deletions.

Combining Techniques for Efficiency

For an efficient and more encompassing approach, you might opt for a hybrid strategy that can work regardless of deletion-caused gaps in the ID sequence.

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func

offset = random.randint(0, session.query(YourModel).count() - 1)
random_row = session.query(YourModel).offset(offset).limit(1).all()

This will randomly offset in the results before fetching a single row, thus allowing for room caused by deleted entries without suffering a performance hit.

Advanced Randomization with Weighted Probability

What if you need to fetch a random row but with certain rows having a higher likelihood of being selected? This can be done with weighted probabilities.

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func

weighted_random_row = session.query(YourModel)
    .add_columns(..., (func.some_function_to_determine_weight()) as 'weight')
    .order_by('weight DESC')

Final Words

SQLAlchemy provides several methods to retrieve a random record whether you’re using SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQL Server. For large datasets, consider performance implications and maybe forgo order_by(func.random()) for other more efficient selections strategies. Remember that, though randomness can be useful, it should be used with intention and mindfulness in the context of your application’s needs.