How to Get the Length of an Array in PHP

Updated: January 10, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to retrieve the length of an array is a fundamental skill in PHP programming. This guide will explore multiple approaches to ascertain the size of arrays, from basic to advanced techniques.

Introduction to Arrays in PHP

Arrays in PHP are data structures that allow you to store multiple values in a single variable. They can hold any number of items and any type of items. Here’s a simple example:

$fruits = array('apple', 'banana', 'cherry');

Using count() and sizeof() Functions

The most direct and common way to find the length of an array in PHP is by using count() or sizeof() functions.

$fruits = array('apple', 'banana', 'cherry');
$length = count($fruits);
echo $length; // Outputs: 3

Nested Arrays and Recursive Counting

Nested arrays, or arrays within arrays, can be a bit more complex to handle. To count all elements across nested arrays, use count() with the COUNT_RECURSIVE flag.

$food = array('fruits' => array('apple', 'banana'), 'vegetables' => array('carrot', 'pea'));
$length = count($food, COUNT_RECURSIVE);
echo $length; // Outputs: 6

Handling Associative Arrays

In PHP, associative arrays use named keys that you assign to values. The same count() function is also used to get the size of an associative array.

$age = array('Peter' => 35, 'Ben' => 37, 'Joe' => 43);
$length = count($age);
echo $length; // Outputs: 3

Determining the Length of Multidimensional Arrays

When dealing with multidimensional arrays, counting the total number of elements can be more challenging. One way is to write a recursive function:

function count_recursive($array) {
  $count = 0;
  foreach ($array as $element) {
    $count += is_array($element) ? count_recursive($element) : 1;
  return $count;

$food = array(
  'fruits' => array('apple', 'banana'),
  'vegetables' => array('carrot', 'pea')

$totalElements = count_recursive($food);
echo $totalElements; // Outputs: 4

Counting Elements in Object Arrays

To count the length of an array that contains objects, a regular count() function suffices. However, if you want to only count objects of a certain class, you might need to iterate through the array.

class Fruit {}
$class = new Fruit();

$things = array(new Fruit(), new Fruit(), $class);

$fruitCount = 0;
foreach ($things as $thing) {
  if ($thing instanceof Fruit) {

echo $fruitCount; // Outputs: 3

Advanced Array Length Operations

In multi-tier applications, it may be necessary to perform more complex array manipulations before obtaining the length. Those could be array filtration or mapping where counting comes as a final step.

Performance Consideration

Understanding the internal working of count() can help with performance optimization especially when working with large arrays or within tight loops.


Array length retrieval in PHP is a straightforward process mainly facilitated by count() or sizeof() functions. Having a good command of these functions enables PHP developers to handle arrays more effectively and efficiently.