How to implement cursor-based pagination in MySQL (3 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In modern web applications, efficiently managing large datasets is crucial for a good user experience. Cursor-based pagination is a powerful technique for navigating large datasets in a scalable and performance-friendly way. This article provides a practical guide to implementing cursor-based pagination in MySQL through three examples. By the end of this guide, you should be able to apply these techniques to your projects for improved data handling and user experience.


  • Basic knowledge of SQL
  • MySQL database setup
  • A dataset for pagination

Understanding Cursor-Based Pagination

Unlike traditional offset-based pagination, which skips a fixed number of records, cursor-based pagination uses a ‘cursor’ to navigate through records. This cursor points to a specific spot in your dataset and fetches records starting from that spot. It’s more efficient for large datasets as it doesn’t require scanning through all preceding records.

Example 1: Basic Cursor-Based Pagination

SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id > :cursor ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10;

In this example, ‘:cursor’ represents the cursor’s current position, denoted by the id of the last fetched row. For the initial request, ‘:cursor’ can be set to 0 to start from the first record. This query fetches the next 10 records after the specified cursor.

Example 2: Paginating With Dynamic Columns

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE createdAt > :cursor ORDER BY createdAt ASC, id ASC LIMIT 10;

Here, we paginate based on the ‘createdAt’ timestamp. Using a secondary sort on ‘id’ ensures that the order is deterministic, even if multiple records share the same ‘createdAt’ value. It’s important for the cursor to adjust dynamically based on the last record of the previous fetch.

Example 3: Implementing Bi-directional Pagination

SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id > :cursor ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 10;
SELECT * FROM comments WHERE id < :cursor ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10;

This set of queries enables moving both forward and backward within the dataset. The first query fetches records after the cursor, similar to our first example. The second query fetches records before the cursor, allowing for a previous-page functionality. The key to bi-directional pagination is maintaining two cursors or intelligently manipulating a single cursor based on navigation direction.

Optimizing Your Queries

To enhance performance, ensure your database columns used for cursor comparison (like ‘id’ or ‘createdAt’) are indexed. Indexes significantly reduce query execution time by avoiding full table scans. Additionally, keep the selection set small by limiting the columns fetched if you don’t need all data fields.


Implementing cursor-based pagination in MySQL significantly improves the performance and scalability of data retrieval operations in your applications. This guide provided three practical examples to demonstrate the process. Experiment with these concepts in your projects to see how they can improve data management and user experience.