How to install/update MySQL on Windows

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used across various platforms. Installing or updating MySQL on Windows is a straightforward process that can bring robust database solutions to any project. This guide will walk you through the steps to install or update MySQL on a Windows system, with code examples and expected outputs.


  • A system running Windows 10 or later
  • Administrator privileges for software installation
  • An internet connection

Installing MySQL on Windows

To install MySQL on Windows for the first time, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the MySQL Downloads page and download the MySQL Installer for Windows.
  2. Run the MySQL Installer executable file you downloaded. You may receive a security warning; if so, click “Run” to proceed.
  3. Once the installer starts, choose the setup type. For beginners, choose the ‘Developer Default’ to install the most common components. Click “Next” to continue.
  4. Review the products to be installed and click “Execute” to begin the installation. The installer will then download and install the required components.
    Begin downloading products... Begin installing products...
  5. After the components are installed, configure the MySQL Server. Select the default settings or customize as needed. Set a root password and optionally add user accounts. Click “Next” and complete the server configuration.
  6. Finalize your installation by clicking “Finish”. You will be taken through various configuration settings for the MySQL server. Follow the prompts, and you can generally accept all default settings if unsure.
  7. Complete the installation process by applying the new configuration. Click “Execute” to apply the settings, and then “Finish” once the configuration is successful.

Your MySQL installation is now complete, and you can begin using MySQL Workbench or another interface to manage your databases.

Updating MySQL on Windows

If you already have MySQL installed and need to update it to the latest version, follow these steps:

  1. Open the MySQL Installer application. If there are updates available, it will display a notification. Choose the products you wish to update and click “Execute” to download and apply updates.
    Checking for available updates... Begin downloading updates... Begin installing updates...
  2. After the update is complete, review the changes and click “Next” to move to the Product Configuration phase.
  3. Just like with installation, the installer will guide you through the configuration of any newly updated components. Click “Next” and then “Execute” to apply your configuration settings.
  4. Finally, click “Finish” to complete the update process. Your MySQL version should now be up to date.

Note: It is always recommended to back up your databases before performing an update to avoid accidental data loss.

Advanced Installation Options

For more advanced users, MySQL Installer provides several options such as customizing the installation path, choosing specific versions, and configuring advanced parameters. Dive into the ‘Custom’ installation option and select individual components as needed for a more tailored setup.

Verifying MySQL Installation

After installation or update, you can verify that MySQL is installed correctly by opening a Command Prompt and running the following command:

mysql -u root -p

You will be prompted for the root password you set during the installation. After entering the password, you should be greeted by the MySQL prompt, indicating a successful installation.


In conclusion, whether you are installing or updating MySQL on Windows, following the above steps will enable you to successfully manage your system’s database capabilities. With a proper backup and following the installer’s guidance, operations should complete smoothly, leading to a ready-to-use MySQL environment.