How to Integrate Kafka with Databases

Updated: January 30, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Apache Kafka has become a pivotal component in data pipelines and is heavily utilized for building real-time streaming data pipelines and applications. Kafka, being a distributed streaming platform, enables you to publish and subscribe to streams of records, process them, and store them in a fault-tolerant way. However, at the heart of many streaming architectures is the need to integrate Kafka with databases. There are many reasons you may want to do this—to populate an analytics tool with event data, to mirror a topic’s contents into a database, or to read from a database and produce events to a Kafka topic.

Understanding Kafka Connect

Kafka Connect is a tool for scalably and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other systems. It is an integral part of the Kafka ecosystem and is often used to integrate Kafka with databases, both as a source (reading from databases and publishing data to a Kafka topic) and as a sink (subscribing to Kafka topics and persisting messages to a database).

Installing Kafka Connect

// Installation steps can vary based on the system
// Here is an example for a Unix-based system
> tar -xzf kafka_2.13-2.7.0.tgz
> cd kafka_2.13-2.7.0/

Configuring Kafka Connect

Configuring Kafka Connect involves defining connectors that describe the data sources and destinations. A source connector might be configured to read from a database, while a sink connector could be set up to write to another database. You typically create a configuration file in JSON or .properties format describing the necessary details.

// Example of a properties configuration file for a source connector

// Example for a sink connector

Starting Kafka Connect

// Starting a Kafka Connect worker
> bin/ config/ config/ config/

Connecting Kafka to a Database

In this section, we will cover how to integrate Kafka with a few types of databases, assuming you’ve installed Kafka and Kafka Connect on your system.

Using JDBC Source Connector

The JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) source connector can pull data from any RDBMS into Kafka. Below is an example of how to set up a JDBC source connector.

// Example JDBC source connector configuration


Using Debezium for Change Data Capture (CDC)

Debezium is an open-source distributed platform for change data capture. You set up a service that captures the changes in the database and pushes them to Kafka. Here’s a basic setup:

// This would be an example of a Debezium configuration for MySQL
  "name": "inventory-connector",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector",
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "database.hostname": "localhost",
    "database.port": "3306",
    "database.user": "debezium",
    "database.password": "dbz",
    "": "184054",
    "": "dbserver1",
    "database.include.list": "inventory",
    "database.history.kafka.bootstrap.servers": "kafka:9092",
    "database.history.kafka.topic": "schema-changes.inventory"

Note that Debezium plugs into existing databases seamlessly and does not require additional code to perform CDC. This is a powerful architecture for building real-time data pipelines, as it allows capturing row-level changes as they occur in the database and streaming those changes into Kafka.

Advanced Integrations

While basic configurations can get you started, doing more complex, reliable, and performant integrations can require advanced set-ups like transformations, custom connectors, or high-throughput tuning.


Kafka Connect can help you transform the data as it moves between the database and Kafka. You may want to filter out some events or change the data structure, and Kafka connect allows for that through its transformation APIs.

// An example of applying a transformation to source connector configuration

Such configurations can add considerable flexibility to how data is handled between Kafka and databases.

Custom Connectors

If you find that the existing connectors do not suit your specific use case, Kafka Connect allows the development of custom connectors. This typically involves writing Java code following the Kafka Connect API to manage the transferring of data according to your unique requirements.

// A basic skeleton for a custom Kafka Source Connector
public class CustomSourceConnector extends SourceConnector {
    public List<Map<String, String>> taskConfigs(int maxTasks) {
        // Define the configuration for each task

    // Implement the other required methods like start(), stop(), version(), etc.

High-Throughput Performance Tuning

To achieve high throughput with Kafka, there are various configuration settings to consider, like batching sizes, polling intervals, and buffer sizes. Proper tuning can significantly enhance performance and ensure efficient usage of system resources.

// Example tuning configurations for a source connector

// Sink connector tuning example

Monitoring and Maintenance

As your Kafka to database integration matures, you will need to monitor the performance and health of your data pipelines. Monitoring can be done using built-in Kafka metrics and external tools like Prometheus, Grafana, or Confluent Control Center. Additionally, be prepared to handle schema changes, deal with failures, and perform regular maintenance tasks.

Regularly monitoring your Kafka Connectors will provide insights into throughput, connector lag, and error rates, helping you identify and resolve issues proactively.


Incorporating Kafka into your data architecture offers the benefits of handling high volumes of data with minimal latency. By integrating Kafka with databases using Kafka Connect, Debezium, and other tools discussed above, you can build robust, reliable, and real-time data pipelines that bridge the gap between streaming data and static storage. As always, proper planning, monitoring, and maintenance are key to the long-term success of your integration efforts.