How to lock/unlock a directory in Ubuntu

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with Ubuntu, you might come across scenarios where you need to prevent unauthorized access to certain directories. This tutorial will walk you through multiple methods to lock and unlock directories in Ubuntu, starting from basic to advanced techniques, complete with code examples and expected outputs.

Basic File Permissions

Before we get into locking directories, it’s important to understand the basic file permissions in Linux:

  • Read (r): Allows the viewing of file contents.
  • Write (w): Allows modification of file contents.
  • Execute (x): Allows running the file as a program.

You can view these permissions using the command ls -l, which will show you the permissions for the files in the current directory.

Changing File Permissions

To lock a directory (make it inaccessible) for all users other than the owner, you can remove the read and execute permissions for group and others using the chmod command:

$ chmod go-rx /path/to/directory
$ ls -ld /path/to/directory

Expected output:

drwx------ owner group 4096 Jan 1 12:00 /path/to/directory

This indicates that only the owner has read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions on the directory.

Restoring Permissions

To unlock the directory, granting read and execute permissions back to group and others:

$ chmod go+rx /path/to/directory
$ ls -ld /path/to/directory

Expected output:

drwxr-xr-x owner group 4096 Jan 1 12:00 /path/to/directory

This sets the directory back to the default permissions, allowing others to read and access the directory’s contents.

Advanced Permission Management

For more fine-grained control, you might want to use Access Control Lists (ACLs).

Installing ACL Support

First, make sure ACL is installed:

$ sudo apt-get install acl

Setting ACLs

To remove access for a specific user:

$ setfacl -m u:username:--- /path/to/directory
$ getfacl /path/to/directory

Expected output should show the permissions for ‘username’ are set to ‘—‘, indicating no access.

To restore access:

$ setfacl -m u:username:r-x /path/to/directory

Directory Encryption

For additional security, directories can be encrypted with tools like ecryptfs.

Installing and Using ecryptfs

First, install ecryptfs:

$ sudo apt-get install ecryptfs-utils

To encrypt a directory:

$ sudo ecryptfs-setup-private --nopwcheck --noautomount

You’ll be prompted to take note of a passphrase that should be saved in a secure location. Your encrypted directory will be under ~/.Private.

Mounting and Unmounting the Encrypted Directory

To access your encrypted directory:

$ ecryptfs-mount-private

To lock (unmount) the directory:

$ ecryptfs-umount-private

Using ‘chmod’ with Scripts for Automation

Using ‘chmod’ can be automated with custom scripts. A script can be written to quickly lock or unlock a directory:

if [ "$LOCK_COMMAND" == "lock" ]; then
    chmod go-rx "$DIR_PATH"
elif [ "$LOCK_COMMAND" == "unlock" ]; then
    chmod go+rx "$DIR_PATH"
    echo "Unknown command. Use 'lock' or 'unlock'."

You would save this script as, give it execute permissions using sudo chmod +x and run it passing ‘lock’ or ‘unlock’ as an argument to change the directory’s state.

Handling Complex Scenarios with ‘find’ and ‘xargs’

For more complex situations, like locking multiple directories at once, you can use find and xargs:

$ find /base/path -type d -exec chmod go-rx {} +

This will recursively remove the read and execute permissions from all directories under ‘/base/path’.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned various methods to lock and unlock directories in Ubuntu, ranging from simple chmod commands to more advanced approaches with access control lists and encryption tools. Remember to always back up your data before applying changes to permissions, especially when dealing with encryption.