How to mix strings with variables in Terraform

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Mastering Terraform involves understanding its core features and syntax, especially how to effectively mix strings with variables. This tutorial will explore the various techniques to achieve this, providing a clear path from basics to advanced applications. Whether you’re automating cloud infrastructure, managing service configurations, or streamlining your DevOps processes, integrating variables within your strings in Terraform can drastically improve readability, maintainability, and flexibility of your code.

Prerequisites: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Terraform and have it installed on your computer.

Basics of String and Variable Integration

Let’s start with the fundamentals. In Terraform, variables are defined in the file, and their values can be assigned in terraform.tfvars or directly in the resource declaration. Mixing strings and variables is essential for dynamic resource configuration.

Example 1: Simple Concatenation

variable "service_name" {
  type    = string
  default = "backend-service"

resource "aws_instance" "my_instance" {
  tags = {
    Name = "${var.service_name}-instance"

Output: The aws_instance will have a tag with the name backend-service-instance.

Advanced String Interpolation

Terraform 0.12 introduced significant improvements in how strings can be combined with variables, including the new syntax for string interpolation. Using this, you can incorporate variables more seamlessly without the cumbersome syntax of previous versions.

Example 2: Enhanced Interpolation

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket = "${var.service_name}-data-${var.env}"

This leverages the power of Terraform’s interpolation to flexibly combine multiple variables. Ensure you have declared and initialized env similarly to service_name.

Conditional Expressions in String Mixing

Integrating conditional expressions when mixing variables with strings can tailor configurations further, adding a powerful layer of logic to your infrastructure as code.

Example 3: Using Conditionals

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "bucket" {
  bucket = var.is_prod ? "${var.service_name}-production" : "${var.service_name}-staging"

This structure allows for dynamic bucket naming based on the environment type, showcasing the flexibility of Terraform in infrastructure management.

Utilizing Functions for Dynamic String Construction

Terraform provides various built-in functions that can be utilized to construct dynamic strings. Functions such as format() and join() are particularly useful.

Example 4: The format Function

output "instance_name" {
  value = format("%s-instance-%03d", var.service_name, count.index)

The format function allows for advanced string formatting, useful in creating unique resource identifiers or messages.

Example 5: Joining Strings and Variables

variable "regions" {
  type    = list(string)
  default = ["us-east-1", "us-west-2"]

output "regions_list" {
  value = join(", ", var.regions)

This concatenates all elements in the regions variable into a single, comma-separated string. It demonstrates how list variables can be smoothly integrated into string values.


Mixing strings with variables in Terraform allows for more dynamic and configurable code, making your infrastructure as code both more readable and flexible. By mastering the techniques discussed, from basic concatenation to the advanced application of conditional expressions and functions, you will be well-prepared to tackle a wide range of infrastructure automation tasks. The power of Terraform truly shines when you leverage its full potential to adapt to your project’s needs.