PostgreSQL: Efficiently count rows in an extremely large table

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Efficiently counting rows in large PostgreSQL tables is crucial for performance tuning and database maintenance. This tutorial explores several methods to achieve accurate and fast row counts.

Using the COUNT() Function

The most direct way to count rows in a PostgreSQL table is to use the COUNT() function:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM large_table;

However, this method can be quite slow for very large tables because it performs a sequential scan of the entire table to tally the total row count.

Utilizing Table Statistics with EXPLAIN

A faster alternative is to extract the estimated row count from the table’s statistics using an EXPLAIN query:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM large_table;

Analyze the query plan to find the estimated row count. It is not exact but often sufficiently close for quick assessments.

Estimating Row Count with pg_class

PostgreSQL’s pg_class catalog contains metadata about tables. You can query reltuples for an even faster approximation of the row count:

SELECT reltuples FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'large_table';

This gives an estimate based on the table’s statistics, which PostgreSQL periodically updates. The trade-off is accuracy for speed.

Improving Accuracy with ANALYZE

To ensure the estimates from pg_class are more current, you can manually update the table statistics with:

ANALYZE large_table;

After running ANALYZE, the pg_class estimation will be more reflective of the true count.

Enhanced Estimates with pg_stat_all_tables

For a generally more up-to-date estimate without the overhead of a full ANALYZE, consider querying pg_stat_all_tables:

SELECT n_live_tup FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE relname = 'large_table';

This view reflects ongoing changes and may produce better approximations without impacting database performance.

Counting Rows with a Conditional

In some scenarios, you might only be interested in counting rows that meet specific conditions. Here’s how to do this efficiently:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM large_table WHERE condition = true;

Using an index on the condition column could significantly increase the speed of this count.

Caching Row Counts for High Traffic Tables

For tables with massive read traffic, it’s advisable to offload the row count to a caching layer. This can be achieved by creating a trigger on the table that updates the row count in a separate small table after any insert or delete operation.


Efficiently counting rows in PostgreSQL large tables can be essential for performance. While COUNT() is comprehensive, faster methods use estimates or database catalog metadata for quick reporting. Careful consideration of the trade-offs between accuracy and speed should guide the approach you choose.