How to re-attach HEAD to a previous Git commit

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Working with Git is an essential part of modern software development, offering tools to manage the evolution of source code. It is not uncommon, however, to encounter scenarios where you need to navigate through the commit history to re-attach your HEAD to a previous commit. This tutorial will explore how to revert to a previous state in a Git repository by re-attaching the HEAD pointer to an older commit, which can be necessary after a mistaken commit or to review the historical state of your code.

Understanding HEAD in Git

Before diving into the steps of re-attaching the HEAD, let’s clarify what HEAD is in Git. Essentially, HEAD is a reference to the current checkout branch, and more specifically, it points to the latest commit on that branch. It represents the state of your Files as they were in that commit, which also indicates what will be included in the next commit if you make changes to the files.

Why Re-attach HEAD?

  • To undo changes: If a commit was made in error, you might want to undo it and return to a previous state.
  • To review history: Accessing a historical state can be valuable for code reviews, debugging, or understanding changes.
  • To make new changes: sometimes we may want to branch off from an earlier point to implement a feature differently or to start a new experiment.

Re-attaching HEAD: The Safe Way

Checking Out a Previous Commit

To checkout a previous commit without affecting the current branch, you can use the following command:

git checkout <commit-hash>

Replace with the actual hash of the commit you wish to checkout. Once run, your HEAD will be in a ‘detached’ state, pointing directly to that commit.

Creating a New Branch from an Old Commit

If you decide you want to make new changes starting from this earlier point, it’s recommended to create a new branch:

git checkout -b new-branch-name <commit-hash>

Now, you have a new branch, with HEAD safely attached to the desired commit, and you can start making changes from that point.

Re-attaching HEAD: The Hard Reset

Using git reset to Force Reset HEAD

If you wish to not only move HEAD but also reset the index and the working directory to match that commit, use:

git reset --hard <commit-hash>

Warning: This command will discard all changes in the working directory and index. It effectively erases all the changes made after the specified commit, in both the current branch’s tree and the index.

Dealing with Untracked Files After Hard Reset

After a hard reset, you may end up with untracked files in your working directory, because git reset doesn’t touch untracked files. If necessary, you can clean the working directory using:

git clean -fd

This command removes untracked directories and files, be sure you really want to remove them before you run this.

Finding the Commit to which You Want to Re-attach HEAD

Re-attaching HEAD necessitates knowledge of the specific commit to which you want to revert. Utilize these commands to locate the right commit:

  • git log – displays a log of commits for the current branch
  • git reflog – lists the changes to local references (branches, HEAD) in your repository, helpful if the commit is no longer part of any branch


Reverting to a previous state in your Git repository can be safe and straightforward if done carefully. Whether you’re checking out an old commit for review, hard resetting your repository to a known state or cleaning up your working directory, these powerful Git commands provide flexibility in how you manage your project’s history.

Always remember to make sure that you have either backed up your changes or are absolutely sure you wish to discard them before using the hard reset. Additionally, checking out commits is fine for quick look-ups, but for any ongoing work, create and checkout a new branch.