How to read log files in MySQL 8

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to read log files in MySQL 8 is an essential skill for any database administrator or developer. Logs can provide valuable insights into the operations and performance of a MySQL database. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to access and interpret various types of log files provided by MySQL 8.

Types of Log Files

MySQL offers several types of log files, each serving a unique purpose:

  • Error Log: records issues that occurred during MySQL server startup, running, or shutdown.
  • General Query Log: tracks every SQL query received from clients along with the time executed.
  • Binary Log: stores changes made to the database (data modifications) often used for replication.
  • Slow Query Log: captures queries that took longer than the defined threshold to execute.

Locating Log Files

Before we can read the logs, we need to determine where they are stored. The location of the files can be found by querying the global variables.


This will provide paths to various logs. Alternatively, these are also specified in the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini depending on the OS).

Reading Error Logs

Error logs can be accessed directly from the file system or through the MySQL client. To view the error log:

> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'log_error';

Use a text editor or a command like ‘cat’ or ‘more’ in the Linux shell to read this file.

General Query Log

To enable the general query log, set the following variables in the MySQL configuration file:

general_log = on
general_log_file = /path/to/your/logfile.log

After restarting MySQL, you can view the log file at the specified location.

Binary Log

The binary log is enabled by adding ‘log-bin’ to the MySQL configuration file:

log-bin = /path/to/your/binlog

To read the binary log contents, use the ‘mysqlbinlog’ utility:

> mysqlbinlog /path/to/your/binlog.000001

Replace ‘/path/to/your/binlog.000001’ with the path to your actual binary log file.

Slow Query Log

To enable the slow query log and set the long_query_time:

slow_query_log = 1
slow_query_log_file = /path/to/your/slowquery.log
long_query_time = 2

Queries taking longer than ‘long_query_time’ seconds will be logged. Again, view the log file using a text editor or command-line utilities.

Advanced Reading

For more extensive analysis, certain tools help parse and analyze log files, such as mysqllogrotate for log rotation and percona-toolkit for analysis.

> pt-query-digest /path/to/your/slowquery.log

This tool provides a digest of queries impacting performance.

Access Log Data from within MySQL

MySQL also allows access to log content using the ‘mysql’ command-line interface:

> SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN 'binlog.000001';

This rotates log files, shows binary log events, and displays InnoDB engine status respectively.

Security Considerations

Keep in mind that log files may contain sensitive data; hence they should be guarded carefully. Apply strict file permissions and consider encrypting logs if necessary.


Reading log files in MySQL 8 involves understanding the types of logs available, locating them, and then using various tools to access and analyze the data they contain. By mastering this process, you can maintain a well-functioning and optimized database environment.