How to Redirect to Another URL in NestJS

Updated: December 31, 2023 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In today’s web applications, redirection is a common tactic for guiding users through different parts of an application based on certain conditions or events. With NestJS, a fast-growing Node.js framework, redirecting can be both seamless and straightforward. This tutorial aims to explore various methods and best practices for redirection in NestJS!

Basic Redirection

To start off with redirection in NestJS, you usually work within the context of a controller and its route handlers. The most basic form is to use the Redirect decorator on a controller method to specify a static URL to redirect to.

export class ExampleController {
  @Redirect('', 302)
  goToNest() {
    // Maybe some other logic here

Note that the Redirect decorator takes two arguments; the URL to redirect to, and the HTTP status code which by default is 302 (Found), indicating a temporary redirection.

Dynamic Redirection

Sometimes you might want to dynamically construct the destination URL. This can be achieved by returning an object with url and statusCode properties from your route handler.

export class DynamicController {
  findUser(@Param('userId') userId: string) {
    // Some logic to find user
    const userExists = true; // Assume the user exists
    if (userExists) {
      return { url: `${userId}`, statusCode: 302 };
    } else {
      // Handle the case when user does not exist

This method provides more flexibility and lets you redirect based on runtime variables and conditions.

Advanced Redirect Techniques

For scenarios that require an advanced level of control, you may opt for a programmatic approach using the Response object from Express.js, which NestJS makes use of under the hood.

export class AdvancedController {
  externalRedirect(@Response() res: Res, @Param('siteId') siteId: string) {
    const urlMap = {
      '1': '',
      '2': '',
      // Other site mappings...
    const redirectUrl = urlMap[siteId] || '';

In this case, we’re injecting the response object directly into our handler and using Express’s redirect method. This gives us complete control over the response and allows for highly configurable redirection logic.

Handling Redirection Asynchronously

In real-world applications, you might need to perform an asynchronous operation before deciding the URL to redirect to. NestJS route handlers can handle asynchronous operations seamlessly with both Promise and async/await patterns.

export class AsyncRedirectionController {
  async redirectToDocumentation(@Param('docId') docId: string) {
    const documentationUrl = await this.fetchDocumentationUrl(docId);
    if (documentationUrl) {
      return { url: documentationUrl, statusCode: 301 };
    } else {
      // Handle missing documentation

  private async fetchDocumentationUrl(docId: string): Promise {
    // Assume there's an asynchronous operation to get the URL
    // This is just a mock
    return `${docId}`;

With the async/await syntax, you can write asynchronous code as if it were synchronous, which keeps the logic more readable and maintainable.


To conclude, NestJS provides a variety of ways to handle redirection, from basic to more advanced patterns. Whether you are defining static paths, constructing dynamic URLs or integrating complex asynchronous operations, understanding and utilizing these redirection strategies will enhance your application’s flow and improve the user experience. Remember, redirection can be a powerful tool when used wisely within your web application’s navigation strategy.