How to Rename a Column in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Renaming a column in PostgreSQL can be essential when refining database schemas. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, catering to users of all skill levels.


PostgreSQL is a powerful open-source object-relational database system. As any database evolves, the need to rename column names can arise for various reasons, such as improving readability, ensuring consistency in naming conventions, or making the name more reflective of the data it holds. Luckily, PostgreSQL provides an easy way to rename existing columns via the ALTER TABLE command. This tutorial will introduce different methods and considerations for renaming columns in PostgreSQL.

Basic Column Renaming

To rename a column in PostgreSQL, you would typically use the following basic SQL command:

ALTER TABLE table_name
  RENAME COLUMN current_column_name TO new_column_name;

This command changes the name of the specified column without affecting the data it contains. Let’s see this in action:

ALTER TABLE employees
  RENAME COLUMN birthdate TO date_of_birth;

This statement renames the ‘birthdate’ column to ‘date_of_birth’ in the ’employees’ table.

Checking for Column Existence Before Renaming

Before attempting to rename a column, it’s good practice to check if the column exists. PostgreSQL does not provide a direct conditional command to check column presence within the ALTER TABLE command itself, but this can be achieved with some procedural code using PL/pgSQL or by querying the information schema, as in the following example:

DO $
             FROM information_schema.columns
             WHERE table_name='employees' AND column_name='birthdate') THEN
    ALTER TABLE employees RENAME COLUMN birthdate TO date_of_birth;

This anonymous DO block checks if the ‘birthdate’ column exists in the ’employees’ table and renames it if it does.

Renaming A Column in a Transaction

When renaming a column, it is advisable to perform the operation within a transaction to ensure atomicity. This way if the rename fails, any other operation grouped with it will also be reverted. Below is an example of how a rename operation can be encapsulated in a transaction:

ALTER TABLE employees RENAME COLUMN birthdate TO date_of_birth;
-- Add any additional query

Renaming Columns With Dependencies

Renaming columns can be tricky if there are dependencies like foreign keys, views, or stored procedures. When renaming such columns, first update all relevant dependencies. Foreign key constraints must be dropped and recreated, and views or stored procedures referencing the column will need to be altered. Workload during renaming can also be a consideration in live databases to avoid locking tables for an extended period.

Advanced Renaming – Using a Function

In more complex scenarios, where you need to rename multiple columns across different tables systematically, you can write a function. Here’s a simplified version of such a function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rename_column(target_table_name text, target_column_name text, new_column_name text)
RETURNS void LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $
                  RENAME COLUMN %I TO %I', target_table_name, target_column_name, new_column_name);

To execute the function:

SELECT rename_column('employees', 'birthdate', 'date_of_birth');

Changing Column DataTypes

It’s essential to note that while renaming a column, you might also want to change the column’s datatype for compatibility or performance reasons. You can do this by extending the ALTER TABLE command. Here’s how you’d rename the column and change its datatype:

ALTER TABLE employees
  RENAME COLUMN birthdate TO date_of_birth;
ALTER TABLE employees
  ALTER COLUMN date_of_birth TYPE date;

Updating Table Indexes

If any indexes were created on the renamed column, the name of the column within those indexes will that of the new name.

Script Automation and Safety Checks

When automating these scripts as part of a migration or in a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) environment, ensure to have ample safety checks, such as verifying current column names and preventing the script from running on a non-existent database or table.


In conclusion, renaming columns in PostgreSQL can be straightforward but requires careful consideration for dependencies and proper use of transactions. Proper planning and testing when conducting schema changes are critical to ensure minimal impact on your live systems.