How to Replicate a Model in Eloquent

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with Eloquent ORM in the Laravel framework, it’s common to encounter situations where you need to create duplicates or clones of Eloquent model instances. This tutorial explains how to replicate a model in Eloquent, from basic to advanced concepts, with various code examples and expected outputs.

Understanding Eloquent’s Replicate Method

Eloquent provides the replicate method, allowing developers to easily create a copy of a model instance without its unique identifier. This is particularly useful when you want to create a similar record with minor adjustments. The following section will introduce you to the basics of the replicate method.

Basic Usage of Replicate

$originalPost = App\Models\Post::find(1);
$newPost = $originalPost->replicate();

In the example above, we first retrieve the original post from the database and then use the replicate method to create a new, unsaved instance. After potentially modifying attributes of the $newPost, we persist it to the database with save().

Replicating with Modifications

$originalPost = App\Models\Post::find(1);
$newPost = $originalPost->replicate();
$newPost->title = 'A New Title for the Cloned Post';

Here we see how to modify the new instance’s data before saving it, allowing customization of the replicated model.

Advanced Replication Techniques

While basic replication covers many use cases, you may sometimes need more control over what gets replicated and what does not. For example, you might want to exclude certain attributes or relationships.

Excluding Attributes from Replication

$originalPost = App\Models\Post::find(1);
$newPost = $originalPost->replicate(['views', 'votes']);

The replicate method accepts an array of attributes that should be excluded from the resulting replicated model. In the example above, the views and votes attributes will not be carried over to $newPost.

Replicating Relationships

Sometimes you may need to replicate a model along with its relationships. This can be done with extra steps as shown below:

$originalPost = App\Models\Post::with('comments')->find(1);
$newPost = $originalPost->replicate();
$originalPost->comments->each(function ($comment) use ($newPost) {
    $newComment = $comment->replicate();

Note how each related comments model is replicated and associated with the new parent Post model. Keep in mind, this may lead to performance issues if a model has a large number of relations.

Overriding Replicate Logic

It’s also possible to override the replicate logic in your Eloquent model for finer control of the replication process:

namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Post extends Model
    public function replicateWithExtras()
        $instance = $this->replicate();
        // Perform additional logic here
        return $instance;

By introducing a custom method, such as replicateWithExtras, you can include additional logic before or after replication to manipulate the new model instance.


In this tutorial, you’ve learned how to leverage the power of the replicate method provided by Eloquent’s ORM. With these techniques, you can efficiently create clones of Eloquent models and customize them to fit various scenarios within your application. Remember to consider the impact of replicating large datasets and relationships to maintain optimal application performance.