How to safely change the URL of a remote Git repository

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with Git involves managing various repositories both locally and on remote servers. It’s crucial to maintain a synchronized development workflow. However, there may come a time when you need to change the URL of your remote repository. It could be due to a move to another server, migration from HTTPS to SSH, a change in the username, or a transfer of ownership. Whatever the reason, safely changing the remote URL without disrupting the workflow is important.

Understanding Git Remotes

Before we dive into changing a remote’s URL, let’s understand what a Git remote is. A remote in Git is a common repository that all team members use to exchange their changes. In most cases, ‘origin’ is the default name for your remote repository.

git remote -v

This command lists the current remotes associated with the local repository.

Changing the Remote’s URL

The ‘git remote’ command is equipped with a set of subcommands to manage the remote repository, one of which is ‘set-url’ which allows the changing of an existing remote repository URL.

git remote set-url origin new_url

Replace ‘new_url’ with the new URL of your remote repository. Next, verify the change:

git remote -v

You should see the updated URL next to ‘origin’.

Switching from HTTPS to SSH

Switching from HTTPS to SSH or vice versa is a common reason for changing a remote’s URL. SSH URLs provide a secure connection and do not require you to insert your credentials on each push or pull operation. Here’s how you switch:

git remote set-url origin [email protected]:username/repository.git

Again, check the remote details:

git remote -v

Migrate from Github to Another Service

If you have moved your repository to a different service (such as GitLab or Bitbucket), you will need to change the remote URL accordingly:

git remote set-url origin

This change will point your local repository to the new location on GitLab.

Advanced Changes

In a scenario where you want to change the name of the remote itself (not just the URL), you do so using the following commands:

git remote rename old_name new_name
git remote set-url new_name new_url

The first command changes the name of the remote, and the second updates the URL for the renamed remote.

Error Handling

Sometimes, you might encounter issues when attempting to push to or pull from the updated remote URL. Errors like ‘repository not found’ or ‘access denied’ may occur as the remote server does not recognize the URL. In such cases, check your access rights and ensure that the repository URL is correct.

Use these commands to troubleshoot connectivity issues:

ssh -T git@remote_url
# OR
git ls-remote remote_url

If the connection is successful, you will receive a message from the server, indicating the verification status.

Automating URL Updates

For developers or teams dealing with multiple repository URL changes, automating the task with a script may save time and reduce errors. Here’s a simple bash script that updates remotes for all repositories in a specified directory:



for repo in $(find . -name '.git' -type d); do
  pushd $(dirname $repo)>/dev/null
  if git remote -v | grep "$OLD_URL" ; then
    git remote set-url origin "$(git remote -v | sed -n '/$(OLD_URL)/s/.\{0,10\}$NEW_URL/p' | awk '{print $2}' | head -1)"
    echo "Updated remote for $(basename $(pwd))"
  popd >/dev/null

This script finds all ‘.git’ directories under the specified path, checks if the remote contains the old URL, and if so, replaces it with the new one.


Changing the remote URL of a Git repository is a straightforward process that is part of routine repository management. As long as the correct procedures are followed and the changes are verified, it can be performed quickly and safely without impacting the collaborative development process.