How to select specific columns in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with databases in PostgreSQL, selecting specific columns is a common task to optimize data retrieval by fetching only the needed information. This tutorial will guide you through the process of selecting specific columns, starting with the basics and progressing to more advanced scenarios with diverse code examples.

Basic Selection

To select a specific column, use the SELECT statement followed by the column name. For example, to select the ‘name’ column from a table ‘users’, you would write:

SELECT name FROM users;

This will return a result set containing only the names of the users.

Selecting Multiple Columns

To select more than one column, simply separate the column names with a comma:

SELECT name, email FROM users;

This retrieves both the name and email of each user.

Using Aliases

You can rename the output of a column for readability using AS keyword:

SELECT name AS username, email AS useremail FROM users;

Here ‘username’ and ‘useremail’ will be used as column headers in the result set.

Advanced Selection with Functions

PostgreSQL offers various functions that can be applied to column data. For instance, to concatenate two columns:

SELECT name || ' ' || surname AS full_name FROM users;

Another common function is to use aggregate functions like COUNT:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_users FROM users;

Filtering with WHERE Clause

A WHERE clause can be added to filter the selection of columns:

SELECT name, email FROM users WHERE active = true;

This will only return the name and email of active users.

Selecting with Joins

Using joins, you can select columns from multiple related tables:

SELECT, FROM users JOIN orders ON = orders.user_id;

Only names of users and their order ids will be selected, for matching user ids.

Grouping Data

Grouping can be used to organize selected columns:

SELECT country, COUNT(*) AS user_count FROM users GROUP BY country;

This groups users by country and counts them.

Ordering Results

To order the results of the selected columns, use ORDER BY:

SELECT name, email FROM users ORDER BY name;

User names will be in alphabetical order in the result set.

Limiting Rows

Limit the number of rows returned with a selection:

SELECT name, email FROM users LIMIT 10;

This limits the result to 10 rows.

Subqueries and Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

You can further filter results using subqueries or Common Table Expressions:

WITH top_users AS (SELECT id FROM users ORDER BY credit DESC LIMIT 10) SELECT FROM users JOIN top_users ON =;

This will only select the names of the top 10 users by credit.


To avoid duplicate rows and select distinct column values:


This will return a list of unique countries from the users table.


Selecting specific columns in PostgreSQL is a flexible and powerful way to customize your data retrieval to be as efficient as possible. Whether you are working with simple or complex datasets, understanding how to effectively use the SELECT statement and its various clauses will greatly benefit your database operations. With these examples and thorough understanding, you can tailor your data queries to meet your specific needs.