How to Select the NTH Row in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Retrieving the nth row from a database is a common task in SQL. This tutorial will cover multiple methods for selecting the nth row in PostgreSQL, along with their use-cases and limitations.


In PostgreSQL, like in many relational databases, data is typically unordered unless explicitly sorted. When a specific row of a dataset needs to be fetched—say, for reporting purposes or pagination—SQL provides us with various methods to achieve this. Such a requirement might seem straightforward, but it must be approached with care, as the way rows are entered into the database does not reflect their intrinsic order.

This tutorial assumes that you have basic knowledge of SQL and PostgreSQL, including familiarity with the SELECT statement and common clauses like ORDER BY.

Using the OFFSET Clause

One of the simplest approaches is the OFFSET clause. This method involves skipping a certain number of rows before beginning to return rows from a query.

SELECT * FROM your_table ORDER BY some_column OFFSET n-1 ROWS LIMIT 1;

The ORDER BY clause is vital here, as it ensures a consistent order. Replace ‘n’ with the row number you wish to select and ‘your_table’ and ‘some_column’ with the appropriate table and column names.

Using the ROW_NUMBER() Window Function

The window function ROW_NUMBER() assigns a unique sequential integer to rows within a result set, based on a specified order. To retrieve the nth row:

WITH NumberedRows AS (
    SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY some_column) AS rownum
    FROM your_table
SELECT * FROM NumberedRows WHERE rownum = n;

This snippet uses a common table expression (CTE) to define a temporary result set, NumberedRows, where each row is assigned a row number. You then query this CTE for the desired row number.

Using the FETCH Clause

The SQL:2008 standard introduced the FETCH clause, which can be used in tandem with the OFFSET clause:


This method is quite similar to using OFFSET with LIMIT, but it is the SQL-standard approach to limit the number of rows returned.


LATERAL JOIN can be a powerful way to select rows based on the comparison of each row to a subquery that can reference columns from the preceding tables. If looking for the nth row, a JOIN might be performed with a subquery that filters to the nth position.

SELECT nth_row.*
    SELECT your_table.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY some_column) AS rownum
    FROM your_table
) AS numbered
    SELECT *
    FROM numbered AS nth_row
    WHERE rownum = n
) AS nth_row ON true;

Here, the ROW_NUMBER() function is used within the subquery to capture the rownum, and the LATERAL join is used to select only the nth row.

Using Subqueries and LIMIT/OFFSET

If you have a complex subquery and need to select only the nth row from the output, you might combine that subquery with LIMIT and OFFSET:

    SELECT some_column FROM your_table ORDER BY some_column
) AS subquery

Note that subqueries are executed for each row, which can be expensive in terms of performance. It is usually a better choice for smaller datasets or when other methods are not suitable.

Performance Considerations

Performance can widely vary based on the method used to retrieve the nth row, particularly with large datasets. Generally speaking, methods that make effective use of indexes, such as those employing the WHERE clause of a pre-numbered CTE, are likely to perform better than methods using OFFSET, which may require counting out the offset rows each time the query is executed.

Combining Methods for Robust Solutions

It is sometimes necessary to combine different methods to come up with a more robust solution that accounts for performance concerns and the particular demands of the task at hand.


Selecting the nth row in PostgreSQL can be done in various ways, each with its own scenarios and performance implications. Understanding when and how to use these methods properly will add a significant tool to your SQL skill set and allow you to retrieve data with precision and efficiency.

Regardless of the method you choose, always remain mindful of the underlying data model, indexing, and the potential impact on performance so that your queries remain as efficient as possible.