How to set up PostgreSQL and pgAdmin on Windows

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Setting up PostgreSQL along with pgAdmin on Windows can significantly streamline database management tasks. This guide will lead you through the steps for a smooth installation and configuration process.


  • Windows Operating System (7/8/10/11)
  • An internet connection
  • Administrator rights on your computer

Downloading PostgreSQL

Firstly, download the latest version of PostgreSQL for Windows from the official PostgreSQL website at ‘‘. Select the Windows installer for the version that suits your needs.

Installing PostgreSQL

Navigate to the downloaded installer and double-click to run it. Follow these steps:

  • Click ‘Next’ on the installer Welcome Screen.
  • Choose the installation directory and click ‘Next’.
  • Select the components to install. Make sure to include ‘PostgreSQL Server’ and ‘pgAdmin’ and then press ‘Next’.
  • Specify the data directory and proceed with ‘Next’.
  • Enter a password for the default ‘postgres’ user. Remember this password as it’s essential for database operations.
  • Select a port number (default is 5432) and press ‘Next’.
  • Choose the default locale or customize it, then click ‘Next’.
  • Review your settings and click ‘Next’ to begin the installation.

The installation will now proceed. This may take a few minutes.

Verifying PostgreSQL Installation

Once installation is completed, you can verify it by opening the psql terminal:

C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin\psql.exe -U postgres

This command will prompt you for the password you set for the ‘postgres’ user during installation.

Installing pgAdmin

pgAdmin typically installs alongside PostgreSQL if you selected it during setup. If for some reason it did not, head over to ‘‘ and download the latest version. Once downloaded, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install pgAdmin on your Windows machine.

Accessing pgAdmin

After installation, you can access pgAdmin from the Start Menu or via a web browser. On first launch, it will ask for the password you set for the ‘postgres’ user to unlock the application’s interface.

Connecting to the PostgreSQL Database with pgAdmin

To connect to your PostgreSQL database server via pgAdmin, follow these steps:

  • Open pgAdmin from your Windows Start Menu.
  • Under the ‘Browser’ tab on the left, right-click on ‘Servers’ and select ‘Create’ > ‘Server’.
  • Under the ‘General’ tab, provide a name for the server connection.
  • Click on the ‘Connection’ tab and enter ‘localhost’ in the ‘Host name/address’ field. Make sure that the ‘Port’ is the same as the one selected during PostgreSQL installation.
  • Enter ‘postgres’ as the ‘Username’ and the password that you set for the ‘postgres’ role.
  • Click ‘Save’ to establish the connection.

Your newly installed PostgreSQL server should now be accessible from pgAdmin, where you can manage databases, run queries, and perform other tasks.

Basic SQL Operations

To get started with basic SQL operations using pgAdmin, follow these examples:

Create a database:

-- SQL query to create a new database
CREATE DATABASE my_database;

Create a table:

-- SQL query to create a new table
CREATE TABLE my_table (
 id serial PRIMARY KEY,
 name VARCHAR(100),
 age INT

Insert data:

-- SQL query to insert data into a table
INSERT INTO my_table (name, age) VALUES ('John Doe', 28), ('Jane Smith', 32);

Select data:

-- SQL query to retrieve data from a table
SELECT * FROM my_table;

Update data:

-- SQL query to update data in a table
UPDATE my_table SET age = 29 WHERE id = 1;

Delete data:

-- SQL query to delete data from a table
DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id = 2;

Advanced Setup: Configuring the Environment for Security

For production environments, you should consider tightening the security settings:

  • Change the default listening address for PostgreSQL by editing ‘postgresql.conf‘ and setting ‘listen_addresses‘ to a specific IP or ‘localhost‘ if only local access is needed.
  • Edit the ‘pg_hba.conf‘ file to control access to the server, specifying which hosts are allowed to connect and the authentication modes.

Maintain strong passwords and consider setting up SSL encryption to protect data in transit between the server and clients.


This guide has led you through the process of setting up PostgreSQL and pgAdmin on a Windows system. With the help of the provided code examples, you should now be equipped with the basic functions needed to operate your databases successfully. Keep in mind that this setup is best used for development or testing environments. Production systems require additional security measures and detailed configuration for optimal performance and safety.