How to Temporarily Lock a Sequence in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 6, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Locking a sequence in PostgreSQL is essential when you need to prevent concurrent modifications and ensure data consistency during a transaction. This tutorial will guide you through the process.

Understanding Sequences in PostgreSQL

A sequence in PostgreSQL is a database object that is used to generate unique identifiers for new rows in a table. It’s often used in conjunction with the SERIAL or BIGSERIAL data types for auto-incrementing primary key fields. When dealing with critical transactions, you may require the sequence to avoid being altered until your operation is complete, which is where locking becomes necessary.

CREATE SEQUENCE user_id_seq;

Explicit Locking with Advisory Locks

Though PostgreSQL does not directly provide a way to lock a sequence, you can achieve similar functionality using advisory locks. Advisory locks are session-based and allow you to create application-level locking mechanisms.

-- Obtaining an advisory lock on a sequence
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));

-- Releasing the advisory lock
SELECT pg_advisory_unlock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));

Transaction-level Advisory Locks

If you only need to lock the sequence for the duration of a transaction, you can use transaction-level advisory locks. These locks are automatically released at the end of the transaction.


SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));

-- Your transaction operations


Handling Locks in Functions

Locking sequences can be particularly useful within functions where operations need to be atomic. Here’s how you can implement advisory locks within a PL/pgSQL function.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_next_user_id() RETURNS bigint AS $
  next_id bigint;
  SELECT pg_advisory_xact_lock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));
  next_id := nextval('user_id_seq');
  RETURN next_id;
$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Dealing with Potential Deadlocks

Locks, if not managed correctly, can lead to deadlocks. Always use a consistent locking order in your transactions to prevent this situation.

-- Bad practice that can lead to deadlocks
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(hashtext('order_id_seq'));

-- Good practice
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));  -- order switched

Monitoring Locks

To verify whether a lock is active, you can query PostgreSQL’s system catalogs. This can help you monitor and troubleshoot lock-related issues.

-- Checking for active advisory locks
SELECT * FROM pg_locks WHERE locktype = 'advisory';

Advanced: Custom Locking Mechanisms

Advanced users may opt to create custom locking mechanisms by combining advisory locks with application-level controls, potentially integrating distributed locks where necessary or using additional tools like PgBouncer.

A more advanced technique would be using the LISTEN/NOTIFY commands to control the sequencing and locking in high concurrency environments:

-- Process 1
NOTIFY lock_sequence, 'locking';
LISTEN unlock_sequence;

-- Process 2
LISTEN lock_sequence;
SELECT pg_advisory_lock(hashtext('user_id_seq'));
NOTIFY unlock_sequence, 'unlocking';

-- Process 1

Keep in mind that this approach requires a solid understanding of PostgreSQL’s concurrency control and might not be suitable for all applications.


In this tutorial, we covered different strategies for temporarily locking sequences in PostgreSQL to maintain data consistency during important transactions. While PostgreSQL does not provide a direct mechanism for sequence locking, the use of advisory locks offers a powerful and flexible alternative.