How to undo ‘git rebase’ (with examples)

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Dealing with git rebase can be a daunting task for developers, particularly when something goes wrong. Whether you’ve rebased unintentionally, encountered conflicts, or simply want to revert to a previous state, understanding how to safely undo a rebase is invaluable. This tutorial will guide you through various methods to undo git rebase with step-by-step examples.

Understanding Git Rebase

git rebase is a powerful command that allows you to integrate changes from one branch into another. Unlike merging, rebasing rewrites the commit history by placing the commits from the branch you’re rebasing onto the tip of the target branch. This results in a linear, cleaner commit history, but can potentially overwrite changes—hence the need to undo a rebase at times.

Basic Undo: Using git reflog and git reset

One of the simplest ways to undo a rebase is by using git reflog along with git reset. The reflog command keeps a record of all the changes in your repository’s tips of branches and other references. To start, list the reflog to find the point you want to go back to:

$ git reflog
1b1e1e5 HEAD@{0}: rebase finished: returning to refs/heads/mybranch
7382d1c HEAD@{1}: commit: Add feature X

In the output above, HEAD@{1} represents the state of your branch before the rebase. To undo the rebase, execute the following reset command:

$ git reset --hard HEAD@{1}

This will restore your branch to the state prior to the rebase, effectively undoing it.

Undo Rebase Using ORIG_HEAD

An alternative to reflog is to use ORIG_HEAD, which Git sets to point to the original tip of the current branch before a rebase or merge operation. Here’s how you’d use it:

$ git reset --hard ORIG_HEAD

This is quicker, but works only if ORIG_HEAD has not been changed by another operation since the rebase.

Advanced Scenarios: Interactive Rebase

In cases where you’ve already pushed the rebased commits to a remote repository, and the rebased branch was shared with others, a force push is generally discouraged. Here, you could use an interactive rebase to remove, edit, or replace the commits that were rebased incorrectly:

$ git rebase -i HEAD~5

The number 5 is an example and should be replaced with the number of commits you want to interactively rebase. From there, you can drop, reword, edit or squash commits as required.

Recovering from a Rebase with Conflicts

If you encounter conflicts during a rebase, Git will stop and allow you to resolve them. If you decide mid-rebase that you want to abort and undo the process, you can do so using:

$ git rebase --abort

This will halt the rebase, reverting your branch to the state it was in before you started the rebase.

Keeping Changes with git rerere

If you regularly rebase branches that lead to the same conflicts each time, git rerere (reuse recorded resolution) allows Git to remember how you resolved them and automatically apply the same resolution in the future:

$ git config --global rerere.enabled true

One advanced technique is to utilize rerere to resolve conflicts during a rebase.


Understanding how to undo a git rebase can save you from potential headaches. The techniques covered provide options for basic and advanced scenarios, helping you restore your repository’s integrity and continue collaborating with your team effectively. Always ensure you have backups or use feature branches to experiment safely with rebase operations.