How to Upgrade an Existing Laravel Project to the Latest Version

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Upgrading your Laravel project to the latest version is essential to not only gain access to the latest features but also to ensure that your application remains secure and performs at its best. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of upgrading an existing Laravel project to the most current release.

Preparation Before Upgrading

Before you start, make sure to create a complete backup of your application and database. This is crucial for restoring your application in case anything goes wrong during the update process.

git checkout -b backup_before_upgrade

Create a new branch where you can perform the update:

git checkout -b update_to_latest_laravel

Next, check the Laravel documentation for any version-specific upgrade guides. Upgrades could involve simple code changes or require a thorough review of the codebase, depending on the versions you’re transitioning between.

Updating Composer.json

Begin by modifying the composer.json file in your project. Update the laravel/framework constraint to the desired target version.

    "require": {
        "laravel/framework": "^8.0"

Plus, update any packages to versions that support your targeted Laravel version.

Updating Dependencies

Run composer update to update your PHP dependencies. Correct any conflicts that may arise, and check that all major packages are compatible with the new Laravel version.

composer update

Manual Updates

Some updates require manual code changes. Common areas requiring attention include configuration files, routing, and factory definitions.

  1. Configuration Files: Laravel’s configuration files are located in the config directory of your application. During an upgrade, new options might be added to the default configuration files provided by Laravel. You’ll need to manually merge these new options into your application’s configuration files. This ensures that you’re taking advantage of any new features or default settings while retaining your custom configurations.
  2. Routing: Laravel’s routing system is used to direct HTTP requests to the appropriate controllers. Upgrades might include changes to how routes are defined or how middleware is applied to routes. If there are new routing methods or middleware features, you may need to update your routes file (routes/web.php and routes/api.php) to adhere to the new methods or conventions.
  3. Factory Definitions: Laravel uses factories for database seeding and testing. These are defined in the database/factories directory. In Laravel upgrades, there might be changes to the factory builder or the underlying Eloquent ORM that require you to update your factory definitions. This could involve changing the syntax or methods used in your model factories.

When performing a Laravel upgrade, it’s important to thoroughly review the upgrade guide provided in the Laravel documentation for the specific version you are moving to.

Running Tests

After updating dependencies and applying necessary code modifications, it’s time to test your application. Run your unit and feature tests, and manually test core application functionality to ensure everything works as intended.

php artisan test

Clear Caches and Optimize

Clear your application’s cache and run the optimization commands:

php artisan cache:clear
php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache
php artisan view:cache

Database Migrations

If the upgrade involves changes to database tables, run the migrations:

php artisan migrate

If your database migrations run without issues, your application is now running on the latest version of Laravel. However, if you encounter issues, you might need to revert your migration or even restore from the backup you created earlier, depending on the issue’s severity.


Upgrading to the latest Laravel version can be a smooth process if approached methodically. Always back up your project, carefully update dependencies, follow the upgrade guide, and test rigorously. By keeping your Laravel application up-to-date, you ensure it benefits from the latest features, optimization, and security improvements.