How to upgrade PHP to the latest version in Windows

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Upgrading PHP on Windows is essential for developers who aim to use the latest features and security improvements. This guide takes you through the step-by-step process to ensure a smooth transition.


Before starting the upgrade process, ensure that you have administrative privileges on your Windows machine and have backed up your existing PHP configurations and any web applications that are currently running. It is also vital that you check the PHP version compatibility with your web server and its modules.

Downloading the Latest PHP Version

Firstly, navigate to the official PHP website at and download the latest PHP non-thread safe zip file suitable for your Windows architecture (x86 or x64).


Extracting PHP Files

Once the zip file is downloaded, extract it to a preferred location. Ensure that you either rename your previous PHP folder or choose a new directory for the latest PHP version.

Expand-Archive -Path 'C:\path\to\' -DestinationPath 'C:\php'

Updating the Windows PATH Environment Variable

Add the new PHP directory to your system’s PATH environment variable to use the PHP executable globally.

setx path "%PATH%;C:\php"

Configuring php.ini

Rename the php.ini-development or php.ini-production file to php.ini, depending on your environment, and customize your configuration as needed. Remember to update extension paths if necessary.

copy C:\php\php.ini-production C:\php\php.ini
notepad C:\php\php.ini

Verifying the PHP Upgrade

Open the command prompt and type the following command to check the PHP version to confirm that the upgrade was successful.

php -v

Updating PHP Extensions

PHP extensions might need updates too. Download compatible versions of your required PHP extensions and configure them in your php.ini file.

extension_dir = "ext"

Integration with Web Servers

If you are using a web server like Apache or IIS, you’ll have to point it to the new PHP directory. For Apache, update the PHP module path in httpd.conf. For IIS, update the PHP version via the PHP Manager plugin or manually in the configuration files.

# Apache httpd.conf
LoadModule php_module C:/php/php8apache2_4.dll
PHPIniDir C:/php

Testing Your Web Applications

After upgrading, test all your web applications thoroughly. Check for any compatibility issues and take advantage of the new features that come with the updated version of PHP.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

You might encounter issues such as incorrect file paths, missing extensions, or server misconfiguration. Logs can be handy for debugging. Always check error logs for specific error messages and address the issues accordingly.

Automating PHP Updates

Complex environments might benefit from automating PHP upgrades using scripts or third-party tools to minimize downtime and ensure that all components are consistently updated.

# Example of a PowerShell script to automate PHP update process
# Note: This is a simplified example for illustration purposes.
$phpZipPath = 'C:\path\to\'
$phpExtractPath = 'C:\php'
Expand-Archive -Path $phpZipPath -DestinationPath $phpExtractPath
setx path "%PATH%;$phpExtractPath"


Upgrading PHP on Windows might seem daunting, but following the proper steps will lead to successful execution. Test environments thoroughly after an upgrade, and always stay informed on PHP development to leverage the latest improvements.