How to upgrade Terraform provider versions

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Upgrading Terraform provider versions is a crucial part of maintaining and ensuring the security and functionality of your infrastructure as code (IaC) environments. This tutorial will guide you through the steps needed to upgrade Terraform provider versions, from understanding version constraints to executing the upgrade and dealing with potential issues. We’ll cover basic to advanced examples, ensuring you have the knowledge to keep your Terraform configurations up to date.

Understanding Provider Version Constraints

Before diving into how to upgrade providers, it’s important to understand how versioning works in Terraform. Providers in Terraform use semantic versioning (SemVer), which means version numbers and the way they change convey meaning about the underlying code and what has been modified from one version to the next.

To specify a provider version in your Terraform configuration, you use the version argument within the provider block. Here’s a basic example for the AWS provider:

provider "aws" {
  version = "~> 3.27"

The ~> symbol is a version constraint operator that specifies versions compatible with the given version but not beyond the next major update. Understanding these constraints is key to managing upgrades effectively.

Checking Current Version and Available Upgrades

Before upgrading, it’s vital to determine your current provider versions and see what upgrades are available. Use the following command to list the providers in your Terraform state and their versions:

terraform providers

To check for available updates, you can visit the Terraform Registry or use the terraform providers mirror command to mirror the provider’s versions for in-depth analysis.

Planning the Upgrade

Once you’ve identified the desired upgrade version, it’s time to plan the upgrade process. Begin by reviewing the provider’s changelog to understand the changes and potential impacts on your configurations. It’s also a good practice to update your version constraints in the Terraform configuration files to reflect the new version target.

Executing the Upgrade

With the version constraints updated in your Terraform configurations, the next step is to initialize the upgrade. Run the following command to upgrade the provider within your Terraform workspace:

terraform init -upgrade

This command will download and install the new provider versions as specified in your configuration. You may encounter new deprecations or required adjustments due to changes in provider functionalities. Address these as needed.

Testing the Upgrade

After the providers have been upgraded, it’s crucial to test your Terraform configurations to ensure that the upgrade hasn’t introduced any issues. Run:

terraform plan

Inspect the output to verify that the proposed changes are as expected and that there are no unexpected modifications. If issues arise, consult the provider’s documentation and Terraform’s comprehensive debugging options to resolve them.

Advanced Considerations

For more complex configurations or multi-provider environments, the upgrade process may involve additional steps such as:

  • Locking specific versions for certain providers to manage dependencies more strictly.
  • Utilizing provider aliases to manage multiple instances of the same provider.
  • Gradually applying updates in segmented infrastructure to minimize risk.

Remember, particularly with major version upgrades, to assess compatibility carefully and consider a sequential upgrade approach if feasible.

Handling Specific Version Constraints and Conflicts

In some cases, you may encounter conflicts between the required versions of different providers or between providers and Terraform itself. In such scenarios, careful management of version constraints becomes even more critical, and you may need to employ a combination of upgrades or reconfigurations to resolve conflicts.


Upgrading Terraform provider versions is a key task in maintaining the reliability and security of your infrastructure. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the right version constraints, you can ensure smooth upgrades and continually improve your infrastructure with minimal disruption. Remember, regularly checking for and implementing provider upgrades is a best practice that contributes to the overall health and efficiency of your Terraform projects.