How to Use Column Aliases in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SQLAlchemy is a powerful ORM tool for Python that enables database manipulation through expressive code rather than raw SQL. This tutorial will guide you through the nuances of utilizing column aliases for more readable and maintainable queries.

Getting Started with Column Aliases

Column aliases are an SQL feature that allows columns to be referenced by an alternative name. This can be particularly useful when working with expressions or dealing with table joins that could result in column name clashes.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String, select

# Connect to the database
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///example.db')
metadata = MetaData()

# Define a table
users = Table('users', metadata,
              Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
              Column('name', String),
              Column('fullname', String)

# Simple Alias Usage
# Creating an alias for the name column
name_alias ='username')

query = select([name_alias])
result = engine.execute(query)

for row in result:

We used the label function to create an alias for the name column. This way, we can refer to it as username when iterating over the results.

Working with Expressions and Functions

Aliasing also comes in handy when using SQL functions or expressions within our queries.

from sqlalchemy.sql import func

# Alias in conjunction with SQL functions
length_alias = func.length('name_length')

query = select([, length_alias])
result = engine.execute(query)

for row in result:
    print(f'{}: {row.name_length}')

This produces a result set where the length of each user’s name is accessed via the name_length alias.

Aliasing in Joins

In more complex queries, especially those involving multiple tables and joins, aliases help avoid column name duplication and make selecting certain fields less ambigious.

from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

# Defining related tables
addresses = Table('addresses', metadata,
                  Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                  Column('user_id', None, ForeignKey('')),
                  Column('email_address', String, nullable=False),
                  Column('nickname', String)

# To join 'users' and 'addresses' without column clashing
users_alias = users.alias()
addresses_alias = addresses.alias()

join_query = select(['user_id'),
    users_alias.join(addresses_alias, == addresses_alias.c.user_id)

result = engine.execute(join_query)

for row in result:
    print(f'User ID: {row.user_id}, Email: {}')

The above snippet shows how using aliases can simplify the management of column names when joining tables, thereby improving the clarity of the resultant code.

Using Aliases with Subqueries

Aliasing is also essential when dealing with subqueries to refer to them much like you would with standard tables.

# Subquery with an alias
subq = select([addresses.c.user_id, func.count('count')]).

subq_query = select([, subq.c.count]).
                select_from(users.join(subq, == subq.c.user_id))

result = engine.execute(subq_query)

for row in result:
    print(f'{} has {row.count} email addresses')

This example creates a subquery that counts the number of email addresses from a particular domain for each user, with an alias used to reference the count in the outer query.

Advanced Aliasing with Query Construction

For complex query construction, SQLAlchemy allows you to compose aliases and even reuse them as building blocks for higher-abstraction queries.

# Advanced aliasing with reusable components
complex_subq = select([addresses_alias.c.nickname]).
                   where(addresses_alias.c.user_id ==

complex_query = select([, complex_subq.c.nickname]).
                                outerjoin(complex_subq, true())).

result = engine.execute(complex_query)

for row in result:
    print(f'User: {}, Nickname: {row.nickname}')

This pattern is particularly useful when creating multiple layers of subqueries, or when the same subquery needs to be used in different places.


Column aliasing within SQLAlchemy offers a layer of abstraction and clarity to your queries, particularly in complex scenarios involving expressions, functions, joins, and subqueries. By mastering column aliases, you can write cleaner, more readable SQL code that maintains the integrity of your data and the quality of your codebase.