How to Use Kubernetes Operators for Automated Operations

Updated: January 30, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Kubernetes, the popular container orchestration tool, allows for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. However, managing complex, stateful workloads can still be challenging. That’s where Kubernetes Operators come into play. In this tutorial, we will explore what Kubernetes Operators are, how they can help manage stateful applications, and how you can use them to automate operations in your Kubernetes clusters. We’ll start with basic examples and then move on to more advanced use-cases, complete with code examples and expected outputs.

Before we start, make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster runing and kubectl installed and configured to talk to your cluster.

Understanding Kubernetes Operators

Operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing a Kubernetes application. A Kubernetes application is both deployed on Kubernetes and managed using the Kubernetes APIs and kubectl tooling. This design pattern was developed by CoreOS to allow complex applications to be managed on Kubernetes using automated processes rather than manual intervention.

At their core, Operators are custom controllers that extend the native Kubernetes API. They enable users to automate complex application-specific tasks such as backups, recovery, and scaling.

Creating a Basic Operator

To get started with Operators, you can use the Operator SDK. Some basic steps to create an Operator include:

$ operator-sdk init

This command initializes a new Operator project. After running it, you’ll have a new directory with the generated scaffolding required to build your Operator.

Next, create a custom resource definition (CRD) for your Operator:

$ operator-sdk create api --group=cache --version=v1alpha1 --kind=Memcached --resource --controller

This will create the scaffold for your custom resource (Memcached in this example) as well as the controller that handles your custom resources.

Defining Operator Logic

Now you need to define the logic that your Operator will use to manage your application. Edit the generated_controller.go file:

func (r *MemcachedReconciler) Reconcilectx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
    // Logic to manage your application
    return ctrl.Result{}, nil

Reconcile is called when your custom resource is created, deleted, or changed. By implementing logic inside this function, you can define the desired state of your application resources and let the Operator make it happen.

Deploying the Operator

Once you have your Operator logic in place, you can deploy it to your Kubernetes cluster.

$ make deploy

This command deploys your Operator using the configuration files generated by the Operator SDK. You can verify that your Operator is running by using:

$ kubectl get deployment

And look for the deployment that was created for your Operator.

Using the Operator

With your Operator deployed, you can now create instances of your custom resource:

$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/cache_v1alpha1_memcached.yaml

This command creates a new Memcached resource managed by your Operator. You should see the resources that are created as a result of this action by running:

$ kubectl get all

The actual output will depend on your logic, but you can expect to see the components of your application getting created and managed by the Operator.

Advanced Topics

As you become more comfortable with Operators, you can explore more advanced topics such as dealing with stateful services, handling schema migrations for databases, auto-scaling applications based on custom metrics, and deep integration with the Kubernetes API.

A complex Operator, for instance, could look like:

// Psuedocode describing what a complex Operator may handle
func complexOperatorLogic(myResource *MyResourceType) error {
    if needBackup(myResource) {
        result, err := performBackup(myResource)
        if err != nil {
            // Handle error
        // Save result to a cloud store
    // More complex operations...
    return nil

It’s crucial to properly handle state and ensure the Operator can deal with failure or interruptions. Writing robust Operators often means thinking about idempotency, state reconciliation, and error handling in depth.


Operators open up new possibilities for automated operations within Kubernetes, making it easier to manage complex, stateful applications. By leveraging custom controllers, you can encapsulate operational knowledge and free up time to work on more important features or tasks.

Remember, this introduction just scrapes the surface, and there’s much more to explore with Kubernetes Operators. Keeping your skills updated and diving deeper into the subject will ensure that your applications are run efficiently and reliably on Kubernetes.