How to Use NumPy’s polyfit for Polynomial Fitting

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a foundational library for numerical computing in Python. One of the numerous tools that NumPy offers is the polyfit function, an efficient and versatile method to perform polynomial fitting on datasets. In this tutorial, we will explore how to use NumPy’s polyfit to find the best-fitting polynomial for a given set of data. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how to implement and utilize this powerful function in your data analysis tasks.

Polynomial Fitting: Explained

Polynomial fitting is a form of regression analysis where you model the relationship between variables using a polynomial equation. The goal is to find the polynomial coefficients that best describe the data. The method involves finding the line (or curve, in higher dimensions) that minimizes the sum of the squares of the residuals (the differences between the observed values and the fitted values).

NumPy’s polyfit makes this process simple by calculating the coefficients of a polynomial that fits a series of data points. The general form of the polynomial that polyfit will help you find is:

P(x) = c_n * x^n + c_{n-1} * x^{n-1} + ... + c_1 * x + c_0

Where P(x) is the polynomial, c_n to c_0 are the coefficients, and n is the degree of the polynomial.

Getting Started with NumPy’s polyfit

To use the polyfit function, you need to have NumPy installed. If you haven’t done so, you can install it using pip:

pip install numpy

Once NumPy is installed, you can import it and begin working with polyfit.

import numpy as np

The polyfit function requires at least three arguments: the x-data, the y-data, and the degree of the polynomial. A simple usage looks like this:

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
y = np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
coefficients = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
polynomial = np.poly1d(coefficients)

This code fits a first-degree polynomial (a line) to the data points. The poly1d function then constructs a polynomial function that you can use to evaluate polynomial values at any x position, or plot.

Basic Polynomial Fitting

Let’s dive into a basic example of polynomial fitting with NumPy. Suppose we have some experimental data and we believe that it can be approximated by a quadratic polynomial. Here’s how you could do it:

x = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)
y = np.random.normal(loc=1, scale=2, size=10) + 1 * x ** 2
c = np.polyfit(x, y, 2)
p = np.poly1d(c)

In the above code, we:

  1. Created an array of x-values using linspace.
  2. Generated corresponding y-values using a quadratic function with some added random noise.
  3. Used polyfit to fit a second-degree polynomial to our x and y data, storing the coefficients in c.
  4. Created a polynomial object p using poly1d that represents the fitted polynomial.

We can also visualize our results with the help of the matplotlib library. Here’s how:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.scatter(x, y, label='Data')
x_line = np.linspace(min(x), max(x), 100)
plt.plot(x_line, p(x_line), label='Fitted Polynomial', color='red')

Weighted Polynomial Fitting

Sometimes, certain data points may be known to be more accurate than others. In this case, you might want to give more weight to these points during the fitting process. NumPy’s polyfit facilitates this through the w parameter, which specifies the weights for each data point. Here is an example of how to apply different weights:

weights = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
c_weighted = np.polyfit(x, y, 2, w=weights)
p_weighted = np.poly1d(c_weighted)

In the above code, the weight increases with the x-values, meaning we’re giving more importance to the data points with a higher x-value during fitting.

Advanced Usage of polyfit

For more advanced applications, you might want to take a closer look at the residuals or enforce a zero intercept. Here are quick examples for both scenarios:

1. Extracting the residuals:

c, residuals, _, _, _ = np.polyfit(x, y, 2, full=True)

Passing full=True to polyfit returns additional information, including the residuals.

2. Enforcing a zero y-intercept:

z = np.polyfit(x, y - y[0], 2)

This is a workaround where you offset all y-data by the first point (assuming it’s close to zero) before fitting the polynomial.

Diagnosing Fit Quality

The fit quality can be assessed by looking at the coefficient of determination (R-squared). Although not provided directly by polyfit, it can be calculated like so:

ymean = np.mean(y)
ss_total = np.sum((y - ymean)**2)
ss_res = np.sum((y - p(x))**2)
r_squared = 1 - (ss_res / ss_total)

This R-squared value tells you how well the proposed polynomial line explains the variance in the y-values.


In conclusion, NumPy’s polyfit function is a flexible and efficient solution for performing polynomial fitting. From basic fits to more complex analyses, polyfit provides the tools necessary to discern underlying trends in your data.