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How to use regular expressions in Sequelize.js queries

Last updated: December 31, 2023


Sequelize is a powerful Node.js ORM that allows you to work with databases in an object-oriented fashion. Regular expressions (RegEx) can be particularly handy when you need to perform complex search queries. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to harness the power of RegEx within your Sequelize.js queries to filter and manage your data more effectively.

Basic Usage of RegEx in Sequelize

Before diving into the complex queries, let’s start with the basics. Sequelize allows you to use regular expressions when you’re searching for data within a text column. Here’s a simple code example:

const User = sequelize.define('user', {
  username: Sequelize.STRING

// Find users whose username starts with 'Jo'
  where: {
    username: {
      [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: '^Jo'
}).then(users => {

Case-Insensitive Searches

In many cases, you may want to perform case-insensitive searches to ensure you find all possible matches. Here’s how that is done:

  where: {
    username: {
      [Sequelize.Op.iRegexp]: '^jo'
}).then(users => {

Using RegEx in String Matching

If you’re looking to match certain patterns within your strings, regular expressions can be a powerful tool. Consider the following example where we want to find users with a username containing the sequence “_dev”:

  where: {
    username: {
      [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: '.*_dev.*'
}).then(users => {

Parameterizing RegEx Patterns

Hardcoding RegEx patterns can lead to security vulnerabilities and less flexible code. It’s better practice to parameterize your patterns like so:

const searchTerm = 'Jo';
const regexPattern = '^' + searchTerm;

  where: {
    username: {
      [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: regexPattern
}).then(users => {

Complex Patterns and Escape Characters

RegEx patterns can quickly become complex, and you may need to use escape characters to ensure proper interpretation:

const complexPattern = '\\d{3}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}' // matches a social security number

  where: {
    ssn: {
      [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: complexPattern
}).then(users => {

Dynamically Building RegEx Queries

You can also build your RegEx queries dynamically using JavaScript functions. This is especially useful for crafting complex search patterns:

function buildRegExPattern(searchTerm) {
  return '\\b' + searchTerm.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1') + '\\b';

const userSearchTerm = 'Jo';
const dynamicPattern = buildRegExPattern(userSearchTerm);

  where: {
    username: {
      [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: dynamicPattern
}).then(users => {

Join Queries with RegEx

RegEx can also be applied in the context of Sequelize join queries. Here is an example of RegEx being used to match users based on associated comments:

  include: [{
    model: Comment,
    where: {
      content: {
        [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: 'Sequelize.*'
}).then(users => {

Handling Errors and Debugging RegEx Queries

Parsing errors or unexpected results often occur when working with RegEx. Here are some tips for effective debugging:

// Handle potential errors with try-catch
try {
  const pattern = '(invalid|pattern';
    where: {
      username: {
        [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: pattern
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error with the RegEx query', error);

// Log the constructed query for debugging purposes
const debugPattern = 'some.*pattern';

console.log('Executing RegEx Query:', debugPattern);
  where: {
    username: {
      [Sequelize.Op.regexp]: debugPattern


Regular expressions offer a potent means to enhance your Sequelize.js queries, lending them the ability to perform complex string pattern matching with finesse. Start with the simpler patterns and gradually build up to using more advanced ones, ensuring parameterization for security and maintainability. Remember to handle your errors gracefully, and always test your RegEx patterns thoroughly.

Next Article: How to use Sequelize CLI

Previous Article: Sequelize: How to Update Record and Return the Result

Series: Sequelize.js Tutorials


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