How to use Terraform module generator tools

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


This tutorial aims to introduce you to the use of Terraform module generator tools, vital for improving your infrastructure as code (IaC) practices. Terraform by HashiCorp is a powerful tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. However, writing modules from scratch can be time-consuming and error-prone. This is where module generators come into play, automating the creation of Terraform configuration files and ensuring best practices are followed.

Getting Started with Terraform Modules

Before diving into module generators, it’s important to understand what Terraform modules are. A Terraform module is a container for multiple resources that are used together. Modules can be used to create lightweight abstractions, so you can describe your infrastructure in terms of its architecture, rather than directly in terms of physical objects. To initialize Terraform and download the necessary provider plugins, use the following commands:

terraform init

This will prepare your Terraform working directory for other commands.

Why Use Module Generators?

Module generators can significantly speed up the development process by providing templated code structures based on best practices. They allow for consistency across projects and teams, facilitate the maintenance of Terraform code, and can help in avoiding common mistakes made during module development.

Example 1: Using Terraform Module Registry

The Terraform Module Registry is an excellent place to find reusable modules for a plethora of common use cases. Though not a generator in a strict sense, it serves as a good starting point for understanding the structure and composition of effective modules. To use a module from the Terraform Registry:

module "vpc" {
    source  = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
    version = "2.78.0"

    name = "my-vpc"
    cidr = ""
    azs  = ["us-east-1a", "us-east-1b", "us-east-1c"]
    private_subnets = ["", "", ""]
    public_subnets  = ["", "", ""]

This snippet will create a VPC in AWS with designated private and public subnets.

Example 2: Yeoman Terraform Generator

Yeoman is a popular web scaffolding tool for modern web apps. The Yeoman generator for Terraform creates a standard project structure and files for a Terraform module. To begin, you need to install Yeoman and the Terraform generator:

npm install -g yo generator-terraform-module
yo terraform-module

Follow the prompts to configure your module. This will create a directory structure with variables, outputs, a README, and example Terraform configurations.

Advanced Usage

For more advanced scenarios, you might want to create your custom generators or leverage other infrastructure-as-code tools in conjunction with Terraform. Tools such as Pulumi or CloudFormation can be used in a complementary fashion with Terraform to cover cases that are not easily handled by Terraform alone.

Building custom generators with tools like Yeoman is straightforward. Begin by installing Yeoman and the generator-generator:

npm install -g yo generator-generator
yo generator

From here, you can scaffold a new generator and begin scripting out your Terraform module generator functionality. Incorporating a strong understanding of Terraform best practices will be essential in creating a useful generator.


Utilizing Terraform module generator tools facilitates a more streamlined and efficient approach to infrastructure as code. These tools not only expedite the development process but also help in maintaining consistency and adherence to best practices across Terraform projects. The flexibility of starting with a template from the Terraform Module Registry or creating custom templates with Yeoman allows teams of any size to adopt and tailor these practices to their specific needs. As you become more familiar with these tools and methodologies, your infrastructure will become more robust, maintainable, and scalable.