How to View SQL Queries Generated by Doctrine

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with Doctrine ORM in a Symfony project, understanding the underlying SQL queries executed against your database is key to debugging, optimizing, and ensuring the accuracy of your application. In this tutorial, we will explore several methods to view these queries and delve into the rationale behind this need.

Why Monitor SQL Queries?

Doctrine ORM abstracts the database layer but knowing the exact SQL it generates helps:

  • Debug issues arising from the ORM’s abstraction
  • Optimize performance by analyzing query efficiency
  • Understand what actions are being taken on the database
  • Prepare for database migration and scaling

Configuring Logging

To begin, ensure that you have the SQL logger enabled. In your Symfony application, you can configure the logger in the config/packages/dev/doctrine.yaml file or the corresponding environment configuration:

        logging: true
        profiling: '%kernel.debug%'

This setup ensures that in your development environment, the DBAL (Database Abstraction Layer) logs and profiles your SQL queries.

Using the Web Debug Toolbar

Symfony comes with a useful Web Debug Toolbar that displays various types of information, including queries made by Doctrine. Accessing it is as simple as opening your app in the dev environment where the toolbar provides full access to generated queries, allowing you to view execution times and other valuable data.

Enabling the Doctrine Query Logger

If you would prefer to log the SQL queries to a file, you can set up a Doctrine SQL logger. The following snippet shows how you can configure a basic logger in Symfony:

use Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\FileSQLLogger;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

public function logSqlQueries(EntityManagerInterface $em): void
    $doctrineConfiguration = $em->getConnection()->getConfiguration();
    $logger = new FileSQLLogger('path/to/your/sql.log');

With this code in place, SQL queries will be written to the specified log file.

Using Symfony Profiler to View Queries

Symfony Profiler provides detailed insights, including database queries. Navigate to the profiler by accessing the /_profiler URL, where you can find detailed reports around each request’s Doctrine queries.

Accessing Queries with Doctrine’s Debug Stack

Doctrine offers a Debug Stack that can be used to log queries. The following example demonstrates how to use the debug stack to track queries:

use Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;

public function trackSqlWithDebugStack(EntityManagerInterface $em): void
    $debugStack = new DebugStack();

    // This is where you execute your queries

    // Output the queries after they are executed
    foreach ($debugStack->queries as $queryData) {
        echo 'Query: ' . $queryData['sql'] . "\n";
        echo 'Params: ' . json_encode($queryData['params']) . "\n";
        echo 'Types: ' . json_encode($queryData['types']) . "\n";
        echo 'Execution Time: ' . $queryData['executionMS'] . "ms\n";

The above code snippet creates a debug stack, configures it, and then outputs the executed SQL queries along with their parameters and timings.

Using the Doctrine Console Command

Doctrine also provides a command-line tool to see the queries. By running the following command, you can output SQL from Doctrine’s DQL:

php bin/console doctrine:query:dql 'SELECT u FROM App\Entity\User u'

This will print out the DQL command’s corresponding SQL syntax.

Visual Representation with Graphical Tools

In addition to the methods discussed, developers often lean towards SQL clients with profiling capabilities, such as phpMyAdmin, for MySQL, or DataGrip, for various databases which can visualize query activity.


Monitoring and understanding the SQL generated by Doctrine is paramount for debugging, optimization, and maintaining a transparent database layer interaction. Each method discussed provides different levels of detail and appropriateness depending on the situation at hand. Apply each according to whether you need a quick glance using Symfony’s toolbar, detailed logs, or profiling with robust SQL clients.