hstore and network address data types in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding different data types in PostgreSQL can empower developers to store information efficiently and perform specialized operations. In this tutorial, we will cover the use and application of hstore and network address data types, allowing intricate data handling and network-related operations with ease.

PostgreSQL, the advanced open-source relational database, has several unique features; among them are the hstore and network address data types. hstore is an extension that adds a key-value pair store, while network address types provide powerful network administration capabilities.

Enabling hstore Extension

Before getting started, don’t forget to enable the ‘hstore’ extension:

-- Run this as a superuser to enable the hstore extension

Using hstore Data Type

To use the hstore data type, ensure you have the hstore extension enabled. Then, you can create a table including an hstore column.

CREATE TABLE customer_data (
    details hstore

Insert data into the hstore column, explicitly casting the type:

INSERT INTO customer_data (details)
VALUES ('phone => "123-456-7890", email => "[email protected]"');

To query hstore data, you can retrieve the value of a specific key using `->` or `->>` operators. The `->` operator returns the text representation, while `->>` returns the value directly:

SELECT details -> 'phone' FROM customer_data;
SELECT details ->> 'email' FROM customer_data;

You can also update hstore values:

UPDATE customer_data
SET details = details || 'zipcode => "12345"'
WHERE id = 1;

Let’s move on to more advanced querying, such as finding if any data contains a key or a key-value pair:

SELECT id FROM customer_data WHERE details ? 'zipcode';
SELECT id FROM customer_data WHERE details @> 'zip => "12345"';

Indexing with hstore

For performance, you can index hstore columns. GIN (Generalized Inverted Index) indexes are recommended:

CREATE INDEX idx_gin_details ON customer_data USING GIN(details);

Using Network Address Data Types

PostgreSQL offers several network address data types such as inet and cidr. To use them:

CREATE TABLE network_devices (
    ip_address inet,
    network cidr

Insert network addresses:

INSERT INTO network_devices (ip_address, network)
VALUES ('', '');

To perform network-related queries:

SELECT * FROM network_devices WHERE ip_address << '';

Subnet operations can be performed directly on inet and cidr types. For example, to update the network column to a smaller subnet:

UPDATE network_devices
SET network = ''
WHERE id = 1;

Indexing Network Address Types

GIN or GiST (Generalized Search Tree) indexes can improve network type queries:

CREATE INDEX idx_gist_ip_address ON network_devices USING GiST(ip_address);

Combining hstore and Network Data Types

You might want to combine both hstore and network address data types. For example, consider a table that uses hstore to dynamically store the attributes for each device in a network:

CREATE TABLE network_attributes (
    device_ip inet,
    attributes hstore

As you can see, combining these data types opens up possibilities for dynamic and specialized data structures.

Advanced Queries

For more advanced use cases, you might write queries involving both data types. For example, fetching devices that belong to a certain subnet and have a specific attribute:

SELECT * FROM network_attributes
WHERE device_ip <<= network.network
AND attributes -> 'manufacturer' = 'AcmeCorp'
FROM network_devices
WHERE network = '';

Combining the power of PostgreSQL indexes and judicious joins, complex network hierarchy data management becomes efficient and straightforward.


In conclusion, PostgreSQL’s hstore and network address data types are powerful tools for developers to enable sophisticated data storage and manipulation. By understanding and using these data types, you can create more robust, efficient, and scalable applications.

The key to effective database design with these types is to plan ahead for the indexing and querying strategies that will serve your application requirements while maintaining good system performance. Explore these PostgreSQL features and take your database skills to the next level.