How to Implement Pagination in SQLAlchemy

Updated: January 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Efficiently managing large datasets in web applications is critical, and SQLAlchemy makes it simpler by offering built-in tools for pagination in Python-based applications.

Implementing Pagination

Pagination is vital when you deal with a considerable amount of data to avoid loading all results into memory at once, which can slow down your application and create a subpar user experience. Instead, you load a small subset of records.

A typical pagination feature not only breaks insights into separate pages but also provides navigation for accessing a specific subset of data.

Simple SQLAlchemy Pagination

To start with SQLAlchemy pagination, let’s consider a basic example using a Flask-SQLAlchemy app. Assume we have a model named Post.

from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

db = SQLAlchemy()

class Post(db.Model):
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    title = db.Column(db.String(255))
    content = db.Column(db.Text)
    # other fields

# Initialize Flask app and SQLAlchemy somewhere above this line

# Basic pagination

from flask import request

def index():
    page = request.args.get('page', 1, type=int)
    pagination = Post.query.paginate(page=page, per_page=10, error_out=False)
    posts = pagination.items
    return render_template('index.html', pagination=pagination, posts=posts)

In this basic form, you’re using Flask’s request object to retrieve the current page number from the query string. The paginate method of the query then takes care of limiting the results and provides an object containing both the results (
items) and pagination metadata.

Customizing Pagination

Custom pagination allows for more control over the presentation and efficiency of the data retrieval process.

def get_posts_by_page(page, per_page):
    offset_value = (page - 1) * per_page
    query = Post.query.limit(per_page).offset(offset_value)
    posts = query.all()
    total = Post.query.count()
    total_pages = int(math.ceil(total / float(per_page)))
    return posts, total, total_pages

posts, total, total_pages = get_posts_by_page(page=1, per_page=10)

Here you calculate the offset and limit manually, then you retrieve the posts for that specific page. Also, you get the total count and calculate the total number of pages.

Advanced Pagination Techniques

As your app grows, you might need more sophisticated pagination strategies, such as dynamic per-page selection, integrating search filters, or even asynchronous paginated queries.

# Example of integrated search filter

def search_and_paginate(query_str, page, per_page):
    query = Post.query.filter(Post.title.contains(query_str))
    pagination = query.paginate(page, per_page, error_out=False)
    posts = pagination.items
    total = query.count()
    # Here you'd return or process data as in previous examples

By integrating filters, pagination becomes more dynamic. Applying the filter before calling paginate ensures only the relevant subset is paginated.

Handling ORM and Pagination

Pagination can get complex when dealing with relationships and eager loading. The key is to use the pagination methods wisely to avoid unnecessary queries to the database.

# Utilize load_only to load specified columns
from sqlalchemy.orm import load_only

def optimized_pagination(page, per_page):
    return Post.query.options(load_only('id', 'title')).paginate(page, per_page, error_out=False)

Here, load_only ensures that only specific columns are loaded, which can reduce memory usage and increase query speed.

Common Pagination Pitfalls

While SQLAlchemy offers robust tools for pagination, developers must be cognizant of potential pitfalls such as memory bloat from large unpaginated queries or inefficiencies from N+1 query problems. Correct use of paginated queries can mitigate these issues.


Implementing pagination with SQLAlchemy aids in efficiently handling extensive datasets, ensuring a scalable and responsive application. Balancing simplicity and sophistication depending on your application’s complexity will lead to optimal implementation of this fundamental feature.