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Implement Persistent Data Storage via the File System API in JavaScript

Last updated: December 12, 2024

As modern web applications grow increasingly feature-rich, the need for efficient data storage mechanisms becomes crucial. One powerful and often underutilized tool for achieving persistent data storage in the web environment is the File System API in JavaScript. This API offers developers the ability to create, read, write, delete, and manipulate files and directories directly within a web application.

The File System API, still under development and considered non-standard, focuses on providing an interactive experience where web apps can access and store files beyond the limited scope of cookies and local storage. While it is not yet supported in all browsers, it's incredibly beneficial where applicable.

Introduction to File System API

The File System API helps bridge the gap between local development and operational deployment, treating files as essential data components in your web app. Let's look into how you can establish a base for persistent data storage using this API:

if ('showOpenFilePicker' in window) {
    console.log('File System Access API is supported.');
} else {
    console.error('File System Access API is not supported.');

Before using any File System API methods, it is good to check its availability as shown above. As of now, the API is primarily supported in Chromium-based browsers like Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

Choosing a File Using Show Open File Picker

To interact with files, a user can select them via the open file dialog. The method showOpenFilePicker prompts the user to select a file.

async function getFile() {
  const [fileHandle] = await window.showOpenFilePicker();
  const file = await fileHandle.getFile();


This example demonstrates how to prompt a user to choose a file and then access the file's name once selected.

Reading and Writing Files

Beyond selection, the real utility in the File System API comes in reading and writing capabilities.

async function readFile(fileHandle) {
  const file = await fileHandle.getFile();
  const contents = await file.text();

async function writeFile(fileHandle) {
  const writable = await fileHandle.createWritable();
  await writable.write('Hello, world!');
  await writable.close();
  console.log('Write complete');

These functions enable reading the full contents of a user provided file and writing new data to it. Note the use of createWritable() which provides a WritableStream to write into.

Handling Permissions

Accessing the file system requires explicit user permission due to the sensitivity of data. Each operation may result in a permission prompt for the user:

async function verifyPermission(fileHandle, readWrite) {
  const options = {};
  if (readWrite) {
    options.mode = 'readwrite';
  const permission = await fileHandle.queryPermission(options);
  if (permission === 'granted') {
    return true;
  const request = await fileHandle.requestPermission(options);
  return request === 'granted';

This function requests the appropriate permissions from the user before any read/write operation, ensuring that the application complies with security regulations.

Pros and Cons of Using File System API

With power comes responsibility and awareness. Using File System API offers significant advantages such as offline capabilities and large-size file handling but at the cost of currently limited browser support and potential security hurdles.


  • Direct interaction with filesystem allows handling larger files efficiently.
  • Great for apps requiring offline access.


  • Limited browser adoption.
  • Potential security issues with excessive permissions.

Final Thoughts

As web applications demand enhanced functionalities, leveraging web APIs like the File System API can significantly aid developers in managing data persistently and securely. While still maturing, exploring this API offers the promise of robust data management solutions right from the web platform. If you’re optimizing your app for specific browsers, now is the time to explore its capabilities.

Next Article: Build Offline-Ready Apps Using the JavaScript File System API

Previous Article: Manage Directories and Paths with the JavaScript File System API

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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