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Improve Security Posture Using JavaScript Trusted Types

Last updated: December 14, 2024

Web security is a critical aspect of software development today, and threats like cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are increasingly prevalent. JavaScript Trusted Types is an advanced feature designed to enhance web security by mitigating such threats. Trusted Types help developers to prevent XSS vulnerabilities by controlling how DOM-related assignments are handled in JavaScript code. This article will guide you through understanding and implementing JavaScript Trusted Types to improve your security posture.

Understanding Trusted Types

Trusted Types is a security feature that allows applications to limit the ways strings are used, aiming at preventing injection attacks like XSS. It restricts unintended or malicious code injections into the DOM by only allowing these operations through predefined, trusted functions.

Basic Concepts of Trusted Types

JavaScript Trusted Types revolves around three core components:

  • Policy: Developers define policies that create and check trusted types.
  • Sinks: DOM APIs that are potential targets for script injections and, thus, where the validation of trusted types occur.
  • Trusted Type Object: An object that wraps a string and is accepted by policy-defined sinks once validated.

Implementing Trusted Types

To use Trusted Types, you must define policies that specify how trusted strings are created. Let’s dive into the practical steps for implementing Trusted Types in your JavaScript application.

// Define a trusted types policy
if (window.TrustedTypes) {
  const myPolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('default', {
    createHTML: (input) => input,  // Simple echo policy (do not use in production!)
    createScript: (input) => input,
    createURL: (input) => input

The code snippet above demonstrates how to define a basic Trusted Types policy named 'default'. This policy simply echoes back the provided input. Remember, this setup is hugely insecure and should not be used in production environments without proper sanitization functions — effectively, you need to ensure that input is appropriate and safe.

Ensuring Security Compliances with Trusted Types

Creating a secure trusted type requires strict validation and sanitization logic:

// Example of a secure HTML policy
if (window.TrustedTypes) {
  const mySecurePolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy('secureHTML', {
    createHTML: (stringContent) => {
      return DOMPurify.sanitize(stringContent, { ALLOWED_TAGS: ['b', 'i', 'em'] });

  const safeHTML = mySecurePolicy.createHTML('<b onclick="alert(1)">Click me!</b>');
  document.body.innerHTML = safeHTML;

In this example, a sanitization tool such as DOMPurify is used to filter potentially dangerous HTML content while allowing specific safe tags. This transformation process leads to meaningful reductions in potential vulnerabilities because the script limits exposure to risky HTML elements.

Benefits of Using Trusted Types

The primary advantage of JavaScript Trusted Types is its ability to tightly control DOM operations that could result in XSS attacks, enhancing the security posture of your application. Other benefits include:

  • Reduce Attack Surfaces: By limiting string manipulations and reducing DOM exploitation vectors.
  • Enforce Security Policies: Implicitly educate teams about secure coding practices through policy enforcement.
  • Enhanced Automated Testing: Easier to identify DOM manipulation flaws that lead to vulnerabilities.

Overall, adopting JavaScript Trusted Types facilitates building applications that are resilient against popular attack vectors, significantly improving their security without compromising functionality and performance.


Implementing JavaScript Trusted Types can significantly enhance your application's security against XSS and other script injection threats. While it requires initial effort to define appropriate policies, the reduction in vulnerabilities not only protects your users but also strengthens your development practices. Integrating Trusted Types into security strategies ensures a robust defensive mechanism, maintaining secure and efficient application performance in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Next Article: Respond to Keyboard, Mouse, and Other UI Events in JavaScript

Previous Article: Restrict Dangerous Content via the Trusted Types API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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