How to Inject Dependencies into Controllers in Laravel

Updated: January 15, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that allows a class to receive its dependencies from external sources rather than creating them itself. In Laravel, controllers can benefit immensely from DI, allowing for more modular, testable, and flexible code. This article will guide you through the art of injecting dependencies into your Laravel controllers.

Understanding Dependency Injection

Before diving into the implementation, let’s clarify what DI is, using a simple example. Suppose we have a ReportGenerator class that requires a DatabaseConnection object.

class ReportGenerator {
    protected $dbConnection;

    public function __construct(DatabaseConnection $dbConnection) {
        $this->dbConnection = $dbConnection;

    // Methods that use $dbConnection to generate reports

Here, ReportGenerator does not instantiate DatabaseConnection; it’s injected into it. This is an example of Dependency Injection.

Injecting via Constructor

The most common method of DI in Laravel is through the constructor method of a controller.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Services\ReportService;

class ReportController extends Controller {
    protected $reportService;

    public function __construct(ReportService $reportService) {
        $this->reportService = $reportService;

    public function generate() {
        $report = $this->reportService->createReport();
        return view('reports.generate', compact('report'));

In this example, ReportController receives a ReportService instance via the constructor. We can now use $this->ReportService within our methods to generate reports.

Resolving Dependencies

Laravel Service Container is the tool that manages class dependencies and performs DI. It handles the instantiation and injecting dependencies automatically. In the above example, Laravel’s Service Container would resolve and inject ReportService into the ReportController.

When defining services, you can utilize the app’s service providers to bind classes into the service container. You typically do this in the register method of the provider.


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use App\Services\ReportService;

cla(ss AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
    public function register() {
        $this->app->bind(ReportService::class, function ($app) {
            return new ReportService();

You’ve now instructed the service container on how to resolve ReportService when it’s needed.

Method Injection

Besides constructor injection, Laravel allows for method injection. This can be especially useful when the dependency is only needed for certain controller actions.

public function showReport(ReportService $reportService, $reportId) {
    $report = $reportService->getReport($reportId);
    return view('', compact('report'));

Here, the ReportService instance is injected directly into the action showReport. This instance will be automatically resolved and provided to the function at the time of execution.

Injecting Multiple Dependencies

Controllers may require multiple services. Laravel can handle this seamlessly.

public function __construct(ReportService $reportService, LoggerService $logger) {
    $this->reportService = $reportService;
    $this->logger = $logger;

In this scenario, both ReportService and LoggerService are injected via the constructor.

Using Interface-based Injection

Laravel can also resolve dependencies using interface binding. This improves code flexibility by allowing the implementation of dependencies to be swapped without modifying the consuming class.

interface ReportServiceInterface {
    public function createReport();

class SqlReportService implements ReportServiceInterface {
    // Implementation of createReport

// Bind interface to implementation in a service provider
$this->app->bind(ReportServiceInterface::class, SqlReportService::class);

In the controller:

public function __construct(ReportServiceInterface $reportService) {
    $this->reportService = $reportService;

Laravel’s container will now inject an instance of SqlReportService wherever ReportServiceInterface is type-hinted.

Advanced Techniques: Contextual Binding and Tagging

Laravel provides more advanced DI features such as contextual bindings, which allow you to define specific implementations for certain situations, and tagging, which lets you tag multiple services and resolve them as an array.


$this->app->tag(['ReportService', 'LoggingService'], '');

$services = $this->app->tagged('');

Such features empower developers to maintain greater control over their service architecture for complex applications.


Laravel’s DI system offers a powerful, flexible way to manage class dependencies. Mastering dependency injection in Laravel paves the way for writing cleaner, more maintainable, and testable code by decoupling classes from their dependencies and promoting a well-organized service architecture.