Inner Joins in MySQL 8: A Practical Guide

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


For those who work with databases, especially relational databases like MySQL, an understanding of joins is fundamental to querying and working with data efficiently. In this practical guide, we will dive into inner joins, a type of join operation in SQL that allows you to retrieve data that exists in two or more tables according to a specified condition. We’ll explore the concepts and syntax of inner joins in MySQL 8, along with multiple code examples, starting from basic to advanced.

Understanding Inner Joins

An inner join is used to combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them. The result set will only include rows where the joined fields from both tables are equal. This operation can be visualized as the intersection of two sets, where only common elements are selected.

Consider two tables, employees and departments, where each employee is assigned to one department. To retrieve a list of all employees along with their respective departments using inner join, the query would look something like this:

SELECT, departments.department_name
FROM employees
INNER JOIN departments
ON employees.department_id =;

This would output a table where each row contains an employee’s name and their corresponding department name.

Basic Usage of Inner Joins

Let’s begin with a simple example. Suppose you have two tables: orders and customers. Each order is placed by a customer, and this relationship is captured via a foreign key in the orders table.

ID | CustomerName
1 | John Doe
2 | Jane Smith
3 | Emily Jones
OrderID | CustomerID | Product
101 | 1 | Laptop
102 | 2 | Smartphone
103 | 1 | Tablet

To find all orders along with customer names, you might use an inner join like this:

SELECT CustomerName, Product
FROM customers
ON customers.ID = orders.CustomerID;

The output will list the Product and CustomerName for each matching pair of records in both tables.

Joining Multiple Tables

In many cases, you’ll need to join more than two tables. For instance, suppose there’s an additional table, products, listing product details.

ProductID | Name | Price
1 | Laptop | 1200
2 | Smartphone | 300
3 | Tablet | 450

We can adjust our previous query to include product prices by adding another join:

SELECT CustomerName, orders.Product, Price
FROM customers
INNER JOIN orders ON customers.ID = orders.CustomerID
INNER JOIN products ON orders.Product = products.Name;

This will yield a more detailed output, including the price of each product ordered.

Advanced Inner Joins

Inner joins can also be used with subqueries, aggregated data, and functions. Let’s consider an example with manipulation of date and aggregated data, suppose we have a table sales with date and amount columns:

SELECT MONTH( as SaleMonth, SUM(sales.amount) as TotalSales
FROM sales
INNER JOIN employees ON sales.employee_id =
GROUP BY SaleMonth

This query would return the total sales by month, joining the sales data with employee information.

Using Aliases for Readability

As queries become complex, it’s practical to use aliases for table names. Here’s our query with aliases:

SELECT c.CustomerName, p.Name, p.Price
FROM customers AS c
INNER JOIN orders AS o ON c.ID = o.CustomerID
INNER JOIN products AS p ON o.Product = p.Name;

Assigning aliases makes the query more concise and easier to follow.


In conclusion, understanding and effectively using inner joins in MySQL 8 can significantly enhance your ability to work with relational databases. Through this guide, we’ve covered the syntax, concepts, and various examples detailing how to apply inner joins from basic to complex scenarios.