Integer and Floating Point Numbers in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In PHP, integers and floating-point numbers are two fundamental data types used for numeric calculations. Understanding the intricacies of these types is pivotal for precise and efficient number handling within PHP scripts.

Understanding Integers

Integers in PHP are whole numbers, positive or negative, without any decimal points. PHP supports the int type, which is a part of the scalar types, and accommodates a specific range depending on the platform (32 or 64-bit). Here’s a basic example:

$integerNum = 42;

Running the above code snippet will output int(42), indicating that the variable $integerNum is indeed an integer.

Navigating Integer Limits

PHP’s integer size is determined by the platform. Here’s how to find out the limits:


The PHP_INT_MAX constant reveals the maximum size of an integer, whereas PHP_INT_MIN displays the minimum. Exceeding these boundaries results in a float via type juggling.

Working with Floating-Point Numbers

Floating-point numbers, or ‘floats’, allow representation of rational numbers with decimal points. Here is a quick example:

$floatNum = 3.14;

Which will output float(3.14), showing the type of our variable $floatNum.

Dealing with Precision

Due to the way computers handle floating-point numbers, they can sometimes give unexpected results:

$a = 0.1;
$b = 0.7;
var_dump(($a + $b) == 0.8);

Instead of true, this comparison yields false. It’s essential to know that comparing floats directly is not recommended because of possible precision issues.

Arithmetic Operations

Both integer and floating-point numbers support various arithmetic operations:

$sum = 5 + 4; // addition
$product = 5 * 2; // multiplication
$quotient = 10 / 4; // division, resulting in a float

var_dump($sum, $product, $quotient);

Dividing two integers can yield a float when the result is not a whole number, demonstrating PHP’s type coercion.

Checking Numeric Types

PHP provides functions to test if a value is an integer or a float:

is_int($integerNum); // Checks if the variable is an integer
is_float($floatNum); // Checks if the variable is a float

These functions are crucial for validating data types.

Casting Between Types

If necessary, we can explicitly cast between integers and floating numbers:

$num = 9.95;
$intNum = (int)$num; // Casting to int truncates the decimal part

This results in int(9), then why $num was cast to an integer.

Floating Points and Large Numbers

When dealing with very large or very small numbers, floating-point numbers are used in scientific notation:

$largeNumber = 0.00000000012345;
$largeNumber = 1.2345e-10; // Equivalent to the above in scientific notation

This format can compactly represent large or small numbers.

Integer and Float Functions

PHP offers several functions to manipulate and retrieve information about numbers, including rounding, absolute values, and format conversion:

round($floatNum); // Rounds to the nearest integer
abs($integerNum); // Returns the absolute value
floatval($numString); // Converts a string to a float

Advanced Numeric Handling

Beyond simple arithmetic, PHP extensions like BCMath and GMP provide functions for high-precision mathematics and working with numbers too large for the default number types.


An adept comprehension of integers and floating-point numbers in PHP is invaluable for accurate numeric computations. Awareness of pre-defined constants, functions, and extensions enables PHP developers to handle numbers optimally regardless of their complexity or size.