How to Integrate NumPy with Databases for Large Data Sets

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the realm of data science and analysis, efficiency and speed are paramount. Data practitioners often work with large data sets that need to be manipulated and analyzed. This is where NumPy, a powerful Python library for numerical computing, shines. However, when the data is so large that it cannot be stored in memory, integrating NumPy with databases becomes a practical solution. This tutorial will guide you through the process of integrating NumPy with various databases for handling large data sets.

Throughout this article, we’ll look at ways to transfer data between NumPy arrays and databases, which can allow efficient storage and retrieval of large volumes of data. This can be highly beneficial when dealing with big data applications where manipulations and calculations need to be performed on massive data sets.


To get the most out of this article, you should have:

  • Basic understanding of Python programming
  • Familiarity with NumPy and its array objects
  • Experience with SQL or NoSQL databases
  • Knowledge of database connection in Python

Installing Required Packages

Before we start, make sure you have NumPy installed, along with a database adapter for your database of choice (e.g., psycopg2 for PostgreSQL, pymysql for MySQL, sqlite3 for SQLite).

pip install numpy
pip install pymysql # for MySQL
pip install psycopg2 # for PostgreSQL

Connecting to a Database

The first step in integrating NumPy with a database is establishing a connection to your database. Below is an example of how to connect to a MySQL database using pymysql and a PostgreSQL database using psycopg2.

# Connecting to a MySQL database
import pymysql

db_connection = pymysql.connect(

cursor = db_connection.cursor()
# Connecting to a PostgreSQL database
import psycopg2

db_connection = psycopg2.connect(

cursor = db_connection.cursor()

Fetching Large Data Sets

After establishing a connection, you can execute SQL queries to fetch data. Due to memory constraints when working with large data sets, you might not be able to load the entire data set into a NumPy array at once. Instead, retrieve smaller chunks of data and process them sequentially.

Example of Fetching Data in Chunks

import numpy as np
QUERY = 'SELECT * FROM large_table'

chunk_size = 1000 # Number of rows per chunk
chunks = []

while True:
    results = cursor.fetchmany(chunk_size)
    if not results:
    array_chunk = np.array(results)
    # Perform processing on array_chunk here

# Combine chunks into a single NumPy array, if needed
full_array = np.concatenate(chunks, axis=0)

Inserting Large Data Sets

Inserting large volumes of data into a database using NumPy can also be done by breaking the data into chunks. Below is an example to insert data from a NumPy array to a database table.

# Example of inserting data into a table from a NumPy array

def insert_data(cursor, table, data_chunk):
    # Assuming table has two columns: id and value
    records_list_template = ','.join(['(%s,%s)'] * len(data_chunk))
    insert_query = f'INSERT INTO {table} (id, value) VALUES {records_list_template}'
    flat_data = [item for sublist in data_chunk for item in sublist]
    cursor.execute(insert_query, tuple(flat_data))

data = np.arange(10000).reshape(5000, 2) # Example NumPy array
chunk_size = 1000 # Insert 1000 rows at a time

for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size):
    data_chunk = data[i:i+chunk_size]
    insert_data(cursor, 'your_table', data_chunk)


Using SQL Alchemy and Pandas for ORM

A more advanced approach to integrate NumPy with databases is to use SQLAlchemy, an SQL toolkit and object-relational mapper (ORM), in conjunction with Pandas. This combination allows for convenient handling of large data sets and more complex manipulations.

import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# Create an engine object
connection_string = 'postgresql://your_user:your_password@your_host/your_db'
engine = create_engine(connection_string)

df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM large_table', engine)
# The DataFrame df now holds the queried data as a Pandas DataFrame, which easily interacts with NumPy:</np_array = df.to_numpy()

See also:

Best Practices and Performance Tips

  • Always close your database connections and cursors to prevent memory leaks.
  • Use bulk insert and update operations to reduce the number of network round-trips to the database server.
  • Index your database tables properly to speed up data retrieval.
  • Consider using database transactions to maintain data integrity.
  • Adjust the fetch and chunk sizes based on your system’s memory constraints and the size of your data set.
  • Utilize database server’s capabilities, such as stored procedures, to offload data processing when appropriate.
  • If possible, use connection pooling to manage database connections efficiently.


In conclusion, integrating NumPy with databases for large data sets is a versatile technique that can help manage and analyze data more efficiently. By optimizing data transfer and processing, you can work effectively with large data sets that exceed your system’s memory capacity. Whether you’re using simple direct connections or sophisticated ORMs, Python provides the tools you need to make the most of both NumPy’s speed and databases’ robust storage solutions.