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Introduction to Booleans in Kotlin

Last updated: November 29, 2024

Understanding Booleans in Kotlin

Booleans are a fundamental data type in programming that represent a truth value, namely true or false. In Kotlin, booleans are used to control the flow of the program using logic-based statements. This article will guide you through the basics of booleans in Kotlin.

Declaring Boolean Variables

To declare a boolean variable in Kotlin, use the Boolean data type. You need to assign it either true or false. Here's a simple example:

val isKotlinFun: Boolean = true
val isFishAnAnimal: Boolean = true

In this snippet, we declared two boolean variables isKotlinFun and isFishAnAnimal and assigned them the value true.

Using Boolean Expressions

Boolean expressions evaluate to a boolean value which is essential for making decisions in your code using conditional statements.

val a = 10
val b = 20
val isAGreaterThanB = a > b // This will be false
val areTheyEqual = a == b   // This will be false

Here, isAGreaterThanB and areTheyEqual are boolean expressions that evaluate to false.

Conditional Statements with Booleans

Once you have a boolean value, you can use it in conditional statements such as if or when. Consider the following example:

val isRainy = false

if (isRainy) {
    println("Take an umbrella.")
} else {
    println("No umbrella needed.")

This code prints "No umbrella needed." as isRainy is false.

Logical Operations with Booleans

Kotlin provides logical operators like && (AND), || (OR), and ! (NOT) to combine or negate boolean expressions:

val hasBattery = true
val hasInternet = false

val canCall = hasBattery && hasInternet  // false
val canPlayGames = hasBattery || hasInternet // true
val needsCharging = !hasBattery              // false

Logical operators are often used in complex conditional statements to check multiple conditions simultaneously.


Understanding booleans and their usage in conditional logic is crucial for effective programming. They allow you to handle different scenarios in the execution of your programs. Practice using booleans through boolean expressions and logical operations to master their usage in Kotlin.

Next Article: How to Use `true` and `false` in Kotlin

Previous Article: Understanding `NaN` and Infinity in Kotlin

Series: Primitive data types in Kotlin


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