Introduction to time series collections in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Time series data captures how things change over time. Such data is omnipresent in many realms, from finance and IoT sensor readings to web traffic analysis. MongoDB, a leading NoSQL database, introduced time series collections in version 5.0 to optimize storage and querying of time series data. This article offers a step-by-step exploration of time series collections in MongoDB, teeming with practical examples.


  • MongoDB 5.0 or later installed.
  • Basic understanding of MongoDB.
  • A dataset to work with (optional).

Creating a Time Series Collection

First and foremost, creating a time series collection involves a different syntax compared to regular collections. Let’s start by creating one for storing temperature data.

db.createCollection('temperature_data', {
  timeseries: {
    timeField: 'timestamp',
    metaField: 'sensor_id',
    granularity: 'seconds'

This command creates a collection optimized for time series data, specifying timestamp as the time field, sensor_id as the metadata field, and setting granularity to seconds.

Inserting Data into Time Series Collections

Insertion into a time series collection doesn’t differ much from regular collections. Here’s how to insert a document:

  timestamp: new Date(), // Current date and time
  sensor_id: 'sensor_1',
  temperature: 25.3

Repeat the process to insert multiple readings. MongoDB handles these documents efficiently behind the scenes, optimizing storage and retrieval.

Querying Time Series Collections

Querying time series data is where the real power lies. You can perform range queries to find data within specific timeframes or aggregate data to find trends. Let’s fetch temperature data for the last 24 hours:

  timestamp: {
    $gte: new Date(new Date() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
    $lt: new Date()

This query leverages MongoDB’s rich query capabilities to fetch recent data efficiently.

Aggregating Time Series Data

Aggregation is a powerful tool for analyzing time series data. You can use MongoDB’s aggregation framework to calculate averages, sum values, and more over time periods. Here’s how to calculate the daily average temperature:

    $match: {
      timestamp: {
        $gte: ISODate('2023-01-01T00:00:00Z'),
        $lt: ISODate('2023-12-31T23:59:59Z')
    $group: {
      _id: {
        $dayOfYear: '$timestamp'
      averageTemperature: { $avg: '$temperature' }

This calculates the average temperature for each day of the year, demonstrating the collection’s capability to handle sophisticated analysis.

Advanced Features

MongoDB’s time series collections come with several advanced features tailored for temporal data handling:

  • Automatic Bucketing: MongoDB automatically groups documents based on the timestamp field, enhancing query performance.
  • Sharding: For distributed environments, time series collections can be sharded based on the timeField or metaField, allowing horizontal scaling.
  • Retention Policies: You can define retention policies to automatically remove outdated data, keeping the dataset relevant and manage its size.

Best Practices

When working with time series collections, consider the following best practices to maximize efficiency:

  • Use compound indexes judiciously to optimize query performance.
  • Consider your data retrieval patterns when setting the granularity of timestamps.
  • Regularly evaluate and adjust retention policies based on data relevancy and storage constraints.


MongoDB’s time series collections offer a tailored, effective solution for managing and querying time series data. Through the examples provided, we’ve seen how to create, insert, query, and aggregate time series data efficiently. Embracing these capabilities can significantly optimize performance and facilitate deeper insights into temporal data trends.