Jenkins: How to set PATH environment variable (Mac, Windows)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Setting the PATH environment variable for Jenkins is a crucial step in ensuring that your automated jobs can reliably find and execute external tools and scripts. Whether you’re running Jenkins on a Mac or Windows system, properly configuring the PATH variable can streamline your continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows. This guide will walk you through the process of setting the PATH variable within Jenkins on both Mac and Windows platforms, complemented by practical code examples.

Understanding PATH in Jenkins

Before diving into the details, it’s important to understand what the PATH environment variable is and why it’s important for Jenkins. The PATH variable is a system-wide setting that tells your operating system where to look for executable files. For Jenkins, setting the PATH correctly ensures that it can find the tools it needs to run builds, tests, and deployments without issues.

Basic Setup

Let’s start with the basics of setting the PATH in Jenkins.

Global Configuration

1. First, log in to your Jenkins dashboard.
2. Navigate to ‘Manage Jenkins’ > ‘Configure System’.
3. Scroll down to the ‘Global properties’ section.
4. Check the ‘Environment variables’ checkbox and click on ‘Add’.
5. In the ‘Name’ field, enter ‘PATH’ and in the ‘Value’ field, add the paths to your executable files, separated by a semicolon (;) on Windows or a colon (:) on macOS.

Note: Some tools might require their specific paths to be added. For example, if you’re using Git, Maven, or Node.js, ensure you append their bin directories to the PATH.

Mac-Specific Configuration

On a Mac, you’ll likely want to modify the PATH for Jenkins launched as a service. This requires a different approach.

Using launchd to Set PATH

1. Locate the Jenkins.plist file, typically found in /Library/LaunchDaemons/.
2. Open the file in a text editor with root privileges.
3. Find the section and add a new entry for PATH. Here’s an example:


After making changes, restart Jenkins for them to take effect.

Windows-Specific Configuration

In a Windows environment, setting the PATH often involves either batch scripts or directly setting the system PATH variable.

Using a Batch File

Create a batch file to start Jenkins with a modified PATH. Here’s an example:

SET PATH=C:\Path\To\Your\Tools;%PATH%
java -jar jenkins.war

This will temporarily modify the PATH for the duration of Jenkins’ runtime.

Modifying System PATH

1. Right-click on This PC (or My Computer) and select Properties.
2. Go to Advanced system settings > Environment Variables.
3. In the System variables section, locate and select the PATH variable, then click Edit.
4. Append the paths to your tools, ensuring each is separated by a semicolon (;).

Advanced Configuration

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, you may need to dynamically set the PATH within your Jenkins pipelines or jobs.

Using the EnvInject Plugin

The EnvInject Plugin is a powerful tool for managing environment variables within Jenkins jobs.

1. Install the EnvInject Plugin from the Jenkins Plugin Manager.
2. In your job’s configuration, add a new ‘Inject environment variables’ build step.
3. Specify the PATH modification in the ‘Properties Content’ section like so:


This will prepend the specified path to the existing PATH variable for the duration of the job.


Correctly setting the PATH environment variable in Jenkins ensures that your CI/CD pipeline has seamless access to necessary tools and scripts across different stages of automation. Whether you’re working on a Mac or Windows system, the key is to understand how to effectively manage these settings at both a global and job-specific level.