Kafka: Adding partitions to an existing topic (with examples)

Updated: January 31, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Apache Kafka is a robust message broker that excels at handling real-time data feeds. A fundamental concept within Kafka is that of topics, which are the categories or feeds for published messages. As a Kafka topic receives more data and the need for better performance grows, it may become necessary to increase its scalability and fault tolerance. A common way to achieve this is by adding partitions to an existing topic. In this tutorial, you’ll learn step-by-step how to add partitions to an existing Kafka topic with practical examples.

Understanding Kafka Partitions

Before diving into the addition of partitions, it’s important to understand the role of partitions in Kafka. A partition is a unit of parallelism in Kafka; each partition can only be consumed by a single consumer within a consumer group. This means having more partitions allows for more consumers and, thus, higher throughput. By default, a Kafka topic is created with a set number of partitions, which is specified at the time of creation.


Basic Example: Adding Partitions to a Topic

1. Checking Existing Partitions

kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic your-topic --describe

Replace your-topic with the actual topic name. The output will provide details about the topic, including the number of existing partitions.

2. Adding Partitions

kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --alter --topic your-topic --partitions 10

This command will increase the number of partitions for your-topic to 10. Make sure the new partition count is higher than the current count.

3. Verifying the Change

kafka-topics --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic your-topic --describe

You should now see the number of partitions updated to 10 in the output.

Advanced Example: Scripting Partition Addition

For larger Kafka deployments or regular maintenance, scripting the process of adding partitions can be more manageable. Below is an example shell script to add partitions to topics that match certain criteria:


# List of your topics (could be sourced from a file or command)
TOPICS="topic1 topic2 topic3"

# Number of partitions to add

# Kafka broker info

for TOPIC in $TOPICS; do
 kafka-topics --bootstrap-server $BROKER --alter --topic $TOPIC --partitions $(($(kafka-topics --bootstrap-server $BROKER --topic $TOPIC --describe | grep -o 'PartitionCount:\w*' | cut -d ':' -f2) + count))
 echo "Partitions for $TOPIC increased by $count ..."

Such scripts can be combined with monitoring and alerting systems to automate the adjustment of partitions in response to metrics like throughput or consumer lag.

Considerations When Adding Partitions

While adding partitions can help with scalability, it’s not an operation to be taken lightly. Here are few considerations:

  • Data Skew: Adding partitions does not rebalance existing data. New data will be distributed across all partitions, but existing data remains where it is, potentially leading to skewed processing.
  • Consumer Offsets: Consumers track their progress via offsets within partitions. Adding partitions may require offsets to be adjusted, especially if consumers are manually controlling their offsets.
  • Partition Keys: When messages are published using partition keys, partitions are chosen based on hash of the key. Adding partitions changes this mapping, which might affect the ordering guarantees if you rely on key-based partitioning.

Adjusting the Replication Factor

With Kafka, it’s not currently possible to change the replication factor of existing topics directly using the Kafka native commands. However, there is an indirect method using the kafka-reassign-partitions tool that involves creating a JSON file with the updated replication factor and partitions, and then applying this file to your Kafka topic. We won’t cover this complex process in detail here, but it’s important to note that changing partitions and replication factors are two different operations which often get conflated.


Adding partitions to a Kafka topic can improve performance and allow for greater scalability. However, it should be done with an understanding of its impacts and in conjunction with a coherent data strategy. The process can range from simple CLI commands for infrequent adjustments to automated scripts for systematic scaling, underlining the flexibility Kafka offers to developers and administrators alike.