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Keep Users Engaged via JavaScript Web Notifications

Last updated: December 13, 2024

In an increasingly busy online landscape, keeping users engaged is a critical factor for the success of a web application. JavaScript web notifications offer an effective way to catch users' attention instantly and keep them informed about your application's latest updates. From news alerts to messages, web notifications are a versatile tool for enhancing user experience.

Understanding Web Notifications

Web notifications are pop-up messages that come from a website. They can convey certain information to the user without requiring them to actively visit the webpage. These notifications are delivered through the users' browsers and appear on their desktops, making them a staple choice for real-time updates.

Setting Up Web Notifications

First, to use notifications on a webpage, you need to ask for the user's permission to display them. This is done using the Notification API. Let's break down how you can implement this in your application.

Step 1: Requesting Permission

To start delivering notifications, request the user's permission:

if ('Notification' in window) {
  Notification.requestPermission().then(permission => {
    console.log('Permission granted:', permission);

This snippet checks if the Notification API is supported by the browser currently in use. Then it requests the permission and logs whether it's granted, denied, or default.

Step 2: Creating a Notification

Once permission is granted, you can proceed to create and display notifications:

function showNotification(title, options) {
  if (Notification.permission === 'granted') {
    new Notification(title, options);

showNotification('New Message!', {
  body: 'You have received a new message.',
  icon: '/path/to/icon.png',

Here, a function showNotification checks if the permission is granted. If so, it creates a new notification with a specified title and options, such as showing an icon.

Notification Options

Notifications support several options to provide better information to users:

  • body: A string representing the body text of the notification.
  • icon: A URL representing an icon to be displayed with the notification.
  • dir: The direction of the notification text; possible values are 'auto', 'ltr', or 'rtl'.
  • tag: A string useful for grouping notifications.

Handling Notification Events

Incorporating notification events is crucial for creating an interactive experience, allowing you to define responses when a user interacts with the notification:

const notification = new Notification('New Promo!', {
  body: 'Click to view the latest offers.',
  icon: '/path/to/icon.png',

notification.onclick = function(event) {
  event.preventDefault(); // avoid the browser from focusing the Notification's tab''); // open a custom offer page

This code constructs a clickable notification and opens a specific URL when the notification is clicked.

Best Practices for Web Notifications

  • Always check for permission. Don't create notifications unless the user has opted in.
  • Maintain relevance and timeliness; send notifications that add value, not create noise.
  • Respect user preferences and offer the option to unsubscribe from notifications.
  • Ensure notifications are concise and provide a clear call-to-action.


JavaScript web notifications provide a simple yet powerful way to keep your users engaged. By understanding the Notification API and implementing it thoughtfully, you can significantly boost how users interact with your web application, improving their experience and encouraging longer interaction.

Next Article: Notify Users Even When They’re on Other Tabs in JavaScript

Previous Article: Customize Icons and Actions with the Web Notifications API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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