Laravel Blank Page Error: Causes & Solutions

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Encountering a blank page in Laravel can be a puzzling hurdle for beginners and experienced developers alike. Often referred to as the ‘White Screen of Death,’ this problem can hide its cause behind a lack of visible error messages. This guide aims to provide actionable solutions to troubleshoot and fix the blank page error in Laravel applications.

Solution 1: Debug Mode Activation

The first step in troubleshooting a blank page is to make Laravel provide more information about any underlying errors. By default, Laravel’s debug mode is turned off. Activating it will display the error stack trace right on your blank page.

  1. Locate the .env file in your Laravel project’s root directory.
  2. Find the line that reads APP_DEBUG=false and change it to APP_DEBUG=true.
  3. Save the file and refresh your browser to see if any error messages appear.



Notes: While debug mode is invaluable for local development, always ensure it is turned off in production environments to prevent revealing sensitive information.

Solution 2: Routes and Controller Checks

A common reason for a blank page is an incorrect route or controller that isn’t returning a view. Verifying your routes and controllers can help pinpoint the issue.

  1. Navigate to your routes/web.php file and check for any obvious syntactical errors.
  2. Ensure that all routes are pointing to valid controllers and methods.
  3. Open the corresponding controller and verify that the methods are returning a valid view or data.

Notes: Pay special attention to any recent changes in the routes or controller files, as these can often introduce new errors.

Solution 3: Check for Composer Issues

Composer dependencies being out of date or corrupted can lead to a Laravel blank page. Ensuring they are up to date and correctly installed is key.

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt at your Laravel project’s root.
  2. Run composer install to ensure all dependencies are correctly installed.
  3. If problems persist, try running composer update to update all dependencies.

Notes: If you’re working in a team, ensure that the composer.lock file is up to date and matches your project requirements to prevent inconsistencies in dependencies.


In conclusion, a blank page in a Laravel application is a common problem with a range of potential causes. Enabling debug mode can reveal hidden errors, and ensuring routes and controllers are correct is fundamental. Don’t forget to consider Composer dependency issues as well. With careful debugging and systematic checks, you can resolve blank page errors and keep your Laravel applications running smoothly.