Laravel: Displaying a default/placeholder value with Blade

Updated: January 18, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel’s Blade templating engine provides a convenient and elegant way to work with HTML templates in your Laravel applications. One of the handy features Blade offers is the ability to specify default or placeholder values for variables that may not always be set. In this tutorial, we’re going to explore different ways to display default values using Blade.

First, let’s get a brief overview of what Blade is and why it’s beneficial. Blade is Laravel’s built-in templating engine that allows you to create your view files. Blade templates are compiled into plain PHP code and cached until they’re modified, allowing for optimal performance. Blade also provides convenient short-cuts for common PHP functions and a very readable syntax, which greatly simplifies the process of writing dynamic web pages.

Basic Variable Output with Defaults

<h1>Hello, {{ $name ?? 'Guest' }}!</h1>

The syntax {{ $variable ?? 'default' }} is utilizing PHP’s null coalescing operator. This means that if $name is not set or is null, ‘Guest’ will be output by default.

Using the Blade @isset Directive

    <h1>Hello, {{ $name }}!</h1>
    <h1>Hello, Guest!</h1>

The @isset directive checks if a variable is set and displays its content if true; otherwise, it falls back to the @else portion.

Utilizing the @empty Directive for Placeholder

    <h1>Hello, Guest!</h1>
    <h1>Hello, {{ $name }}!</h1>

Conversely, the @empty directive checks if a variable is ’empty’. If a variable is considered ’empty’ in PHP (e.g., an empty string, null, false, an empty array), the code within the @empty block will be executed.

Default Value for Input Fields

<input type="text" name="username" value="{{ old('username', 'Guest') }}" />

This example demonstrates using the old() helper function with a default value. If the old value is not available (which means the form hasn’t been submitted yet or has been submitted without that field), it will display ‘Guest’ as the default placeholder.

Default Text in Case of a Null Relationship

    {{ $user->profile->bio ?? 'No biography provided.' }}

This snippet takes advantage of the null coalescing operator to provide default text in case a user’s profile relationship returns null. It’s a clean and simple way to handle potentially missing related models.

Using Blade Components for Reusable Defaults

@component('components.welcome', ['name' => $name])

If you’re using components in Blade, you can manage defaults using slots. Slots can hold default content which gets displayed only if the corresponding variable is null or not passed to the component.

In Conclusion

Laravel’s Blade templating engine simplifies tasks like setting default values in your view. Whether you’re displaying a simple ‘Guest’ placeholder when a user is not logged in, ensuring form input fields have a fallback value, or handling absent relationships, Blade’s syntax is clean and expressive. Remember to always validate and escape your data to maintain security and consistency of your application. With Blade’s convenience methods and easy-to-read syntax, you’re well prepared to deliver a polished user experience while keeping your templates as clear and maintainable as possible.