Laravel Eloquent: Column with Unsigned Integer

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Laravel, a popular PHP framework, simplifies database manipulation with its Eloquent ORM. An understanding of how to use unsigned integers is vital when working with foreign keys and fields intended to store non-negative numbers. This tutorial covers the use of unsigned integer columns in Laravel Eloquent, exploring its various uses and benefits.


Before we start, ensure you have installed Laravel and have a database ready for connection. Familiarity with Eloquent and migrations is also recommended.

Understanding Unsigned Integers

In database design, an unsigned integer is a 32-bit number that can only represent non-negative values from 0 to 4294967295. In contrast, a signed integer can represent both negative and positive values.

Creating an Unsigned Integer Column

To use unsigned integers in Laravel, you’ll need to define them in your migration files. Here’s how to do it:


This code snippet will create a column named ‘votes’ that can only hold non-negative integers.

Using Unsigned Integer for Foreign Keys

One common use case for unsigned integers is as foreign keys that reference a primary key in another table:


This defines a foreign key relationship with the ‘users’ table, ensuring ‘user_id’ corresponds to the ‘id’ of a record in the ‘users’ table.

Serialization and Casting

When you fetch an unsigned integer from the database, Eloquent will by default cast it to the PHP integer type. You can customize this behavior using Eloquent’s cast feature:

protected $casts = [
    'votes' => 'integer',

This ensures ‘votes’ will always be cast to an integer when accessing it on your Eloquent model.

Advanced Usage: Indexing Unsigned Integers

Optimizing queries is crucial for performance. Indexing an unsigned integer column can help with that:


This creates an index for the ‘votes’ column, potentially speeding up search queries.

Ensuring Data Integrity

To further ensure data integrity, you can add default values and not null constraints to unsigned integer columns:


This line not only sets a default value of 0 but also prohibits storing NULL in the ‘votes’ column.

Working with Big Unsigned Integers

Laravel also supports ‘unsignedBigInteger’ for even larger integer values. This is particularly useful for tables expected to exceed the typical integer size limit:


This will handle numbers up to 18446744073709551615, ensuring your application can manage massive datasets.


In conclusion, unsigned integers are a crucial part of database design, especially when dealing with relationships and constraints in Laravel. Through proper use of migrations and Eloquent models, managing unsigned integers becomes seamlessly integrated into your application development process.