Laravel Eloquent: How to Compare Numeric/String Columns

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In Laravel, the Eloquent ORM provides a convenient and fluent way to interact with databases. When working with data, you may often need to compare columns which can be either numeric or string types. In this tutorial, we’ll cover the essentials and some advanced techniques for comparing columns using Eloquent model queries.

The Basics

Comparing a Column with a Static Value

First and foremost, it’s important to understand that comparisons can be done directly in Eloquent queries using the where() method. This method allows us to specify the column name, comparison operator, and the value that we are comparing to.

User::where('votes', '>', 100)->get();

This will retrieve all users with more than 100 votes. The Eloquent where() method is intuitive and works much the same way as a raw SQL query.

Comparing two columns

Now let’s advance to comparing two columns. Imagine that you have a scenario where you want to find records where one column’s value is greater than the other column’s. With basic SQL, you might write a query like SELECT * FROM users WHERE votes > comments. In Eloquent, you may write:

User::whereColumn('votes', '>', 'comments')->get();

This is a straightforward example of the whereColumn() method, which compares two column values.

String Case-Sensitive Comparison

Often, numeric comparisons are straightforward, but comparing strings may require additional care due to collation and character set considerations. Eloquent provides a way to conduct case-sensitive and case-insensitive column comparisons. Case-sensitive comparisons are the default, so consider the following example:

User::where('name', '=', 'John Doe')->get();

String Case-Insensitive Comparison

To perform a case-insensitive comparison, you can use the database’s specific SQL functions, such as LOWER() in MySQL. In Eloquent, it translates to a raw where statement:

User::whereRaw('LOWER(name) = ?', [strtolower('John Doe')])->get();

Advanced Use Cases

Comparing Multiple Columns with Mixed Values

In more complex scenarios, you may want to compare multiple columns with a combination of string and numeric values. For this, Eloquent allows chaining of where statements:

User::where('status', 'active')
   .whereColumn('votes', '>=', 'comments')
   .whereRaw('LOWER(name) = ?', [strtolower('Jane Doe')])->get();

It’s worth noting that Eloquent also provides additional query methods for comparisons – whereBetween(), orWhere(), and having() among others can be very useful depending on the query you need to run.

Comparison with Dynamic Conditios

In scenarios where you may have dynamic conditions and complex logic, Eloquent query scopes can help to keep your code clean and reusable. By defining a query scope in your model, you can encapsulate complex conditions into a more readable and maintainable form. For example:

class User extends Model
    public function scopePopular($query)
        return $query->where('votes', '>', '100');


You can also pass parameters to these scopes to make them even more dynamic:

class User extends Model
    public function scopeWithNameLike($query, $name)
        return $query->whereRaw('LOWER(name) LIKE ?', ['%' . strtolower($name) . '%']);


Comparing Columns from Different Tables

Lastly, if you are comparing columns from different tables, remember that you need to properly join these tables, either using the join() or leftJoin() methods, before you can compare the columns.

For performance reasons, it is recommended to use indexed columns for comparisons. If you’re consistently reading data by comparing two columns, considering an index would benefit your application’s speed and efficiency.

Here’s an advanced example that combines everything we have learned with a join:

User::select('users.*', 'profiles.views')
   .join('profiles', '', '=', 'profiles.user_id')
   .whereColumn('profiles.views', '>', 'users.votes')

Remembering that Eloquent aims to allow you to write queries that are easily readable and maintainable, adhering to this philosophy is vital. Eloquent provides a powerful set of tools to help you write clear, expressive SQL operations.

As with most programming practices, ensure that you test your queries thoroughly, especially when dealing with complex logic. Laravel provides factories and seeding techniques that can help set up dummy data for testing various scenarios.


This tutorial provided an overview of comparing numbers and strings in Laravel Eloquent, covering everything from basic comparisons to advanced join queries and dynamic scope methods. Eloquent allows you to build very expressive queries which, if used properly, can greatly enhance the readability and maintainability of your Laravel application’s data layer.