Laravel Eloquent: How to Alias a Column

Updated: January 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Eloquent is the powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapper) included with Laravel that provides a beautiful, simple ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. When querying the database, you may sometimes want to rename the columns in the results for readability or to prevent clashes with reserved words. Fortunately, Laravel makes column aliasing simple and straightforward. This article will explore how you can use Eloquent to alias columns efficiently.

By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to use aliases for your Eloquent model’s attributes, both for simple queries and within more complex scenarios.

Basic Aliasing with Eloquent

Let’s start by renaming a single column using the select method provided by Eloquent.

public function getUsersWithAliasedNames() { 
  return User::select('id', 'name as username')->get(); 

In the code snippet above, we told Eloquent to retrieve the id and name columns from the users table, but we used the as keyword to alias the name column as username. As a result, the output will display the user’s name under the ‘username’ key.


  { "id": 1, "username": "John Doe" }, 
  { "id": 2, "username": "Jane Roe" }

Aliasing Columns with Aggregate Functions

Sometimes you’ll want to use SQL functions like COUNT, MAX, or SUM and alias the result. Here’s how you do it with Eloquent:

public function getUsersCount() { 
  return User::select(DB::raw('COUNT(*) as user_count'))->first(); 

In this example, we are using DB::raw within our select statement to perform a raw aggregate function and provide the result set an alias called user_count. The resulting object would display the users count under the aliased key.


{ "user_count": 42 }

Advanced Aliasing with Joins

While joining tables, column name conflicts can occur if the tables share column names. Here’s how to handle such situations:


public function getUserPosts()
    return User::select(' as userId', ' as userName', ' as postId', 'posts.title as postTitle')
        ->join('posts', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')

This query joins the users table with the posts table. To avoid conflict, we’re aliasing both the id and name columns from the users table and the id and title columns from the posts table.

Aliasing and Accessors

In addition to query-based aliasing, you can create aliases using Eloquent accessors. For example:

class User extends Model { 
  // ... 
  public function getUsernameAttribute() { 
    return $this->attributes['name']; 

With an accessor, whenever you access the username attribute on a User model, it will return the value of the name column. This is accomplished without altering the original database query.

Using Aliases in Eloquent Relationships

Aliases can also be used in defining Eloquent relationships. If you have a foreign key with a different name, you can alias it to maintain readability:


class User extends Model
    public function posts()
        return $this->hasMany(Post::class, 'user_id', 'id');

    // ...

class Post extends Model
    public function author()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'user_id', 'id')
            ->select(['id as userId', 'name as userName']);

    // ...

This code showcases how to alias keys within a relationship. The author() relationship method in the Post model lets us select specific columns from the User model and alias them. Now, related user data will include userId and userName as aliases for id and name.


In summary, Eloquent provides multiple ways to alias database columns. Whether you are writing basic queries, using aggregate functions, performing complex joins, utilizing accessors, or setting up Eloquent relationships, column aliasing can enhance both your code’s readability and functionality. With these techniques in your toolbox, managing your Laravel application’s database interactions can be done more elegantly and efficiently.